What should I do if "The process terminated unexpectedly"?

For example, you can take modern smartphones. The phone I just bought works just perfect. But some time passes and it begins to slow down, and some errors appear on the screen. Most often, this happens only because the user regularly installs applications and programs without checking them. But we won’t go into the essence of errors, but rather talk about ways to eliminate them. Today we will analyze the following type of error: “The process terminated unexpectedly.” This error indicates that your device has experienced an unexpected failure. And it’s very unpleasant if this error starts popping up on the screen of your Android device regularly. It will simply interfere with the use of the device itself.

So, now let's move on to specific actions that will help get rid of this type of error. The very first thing you need to do is simply clear the device cache. The action is simple and straightforward, but there are situations when, after clearing the cache memory, this problem completely disappears.

If it doesn't help, then move on to the next step. Go to the settings menu on your device and search here and go to "Applications". In the end, you need to find and click on the item "Application management". In the window that opens, look for and click on the button labeled "Delete data/Clear cache". The tips given in this article will help you get rid of the error “The process terminated unexpectedly.” Just don’t forget to restart your Android device.
April 10, 2016 2
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  1. ahhlov
    6 December 2023 14: 12
    I managed to fix the problem! Thank you very much for the article and help! 
  2. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 22: 54
    Interesting article to read for your development, thank you