Hyphenation in a Microsoft Word 2010 document

Расставляем переносы в документе Microsoft Word 2010

In almost all types of electronic documents, if a word does not fit on a line, then the entire word is transferred. But this is not always convenient, since this increases the volume of the document. To avoid this, you can simply hyphenate the document. If you are using the Microsoft Word 2010 text editor included with Microsoft Office package, then today you will learn how to do it in it. First of all, open the document itself Microsoft Word. We search and go to the tab "Разметка страницы". In this tab you need to find and click on the item "Rasstanovka perenosov". It is worth noting that in both Microsoft Word 2007 and Microsoft Word 2010 the area for working with hyphens is in one place.
Расставляем переносы в документе Microsoft Word 2010

The easiest way is to set automatic word hyphenation. But if you need to add some of your own rules for word wrapping in a document, then just select manual word wrapping. By the way, by selecting the very last item, you can set exactly your parameters for word wrapping in the document. Don't know how to hyphenate in Microsoft Word 2010? Read this article and you will find answers to these questions.
January 06, 2016 1
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  1. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 22: 07
    This article helped me do hyphenation in Word at work.