Automatic error checking in Word editor
Now we will tell you how to configure Microsoft Word so that the program automatically checks for errors in sentences and words, because quite often it happens that this function was either initially deactivated or disabled for some reason. To activate automatic error detection, do the following:
Open the document in Word and in the lower left corner click on the tab where the language is displayed.
In the window that opens, select the language in which the text in the document is written and make sure that the checkbox opposite Don't check spelling was disabled.
If this does not help, then click on the button Menu in the upper left corner and click on the button Word Options.
In the window that opens, click on the tab Spelling (# 1), make sure that all the checkboxes are activated as in the example (# 2) and accept the changes (# 3).
Ready. Now errors in the text will be highlighted with green or red lines depending on their type.
Open the document in Word and in the lower left corner click on the tab where the language is displayed.
In the window that opens, select the language in which the text in the document is written and make sure that the checkbox opposite Don't check spelling was disabled.
If this does not help, then click on the button Menu in the upper left corner and click on the button Word Options.
In the window that opens, click on the tab Spelling (# 1), make sure that all the checkboxes are activated as in the example (# 2) and accept the changes (# 3).
Ready. Now errors in the text will be highlighted with green or red lines depending on their type.
See also:
- How to find out the number of characters in a Microsoft Office Word document?
- Check spelling and punctuation online
- Removing spaces between paragraphs in a Microsoft Word document
- Working with Microsoft Word: saving an image from a document
- How to change line spacing in a Microsoft Office Word document?