The jucheck.exe process. What is it for and how to disable it?

Процесс jucheck.exe. Для чего он нужен и как его отключить?
Users of the Windows operating system are constantly faced with incomprehensible, at first glance, things that they would like to understand. One of these things is the jucheck.exe process, which likes to “eat” RAM and which, without finding information on the Internet, few people know about. Now we will tell you what the jucheck.exe process is for and how to quickly disable it if necessary. Description
The jucheck.exe process is the process responsible for updating Java on a PC. Typically, it is activated once a month to check if the Java environment needs any updates.

In general, it is not recommended to disable this process, since older versions of the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) quite often contain vulnerabilities that should be fixed, but if its automatic activation bothers you, you can disable jucheck.exe altogether.

How to disable jucheck.exe?
  1. Open the menu Start.
  2. In line Run enter the command cmd and click the button Enter.

    Процесс jucheck.exe. Для чего он нужен и как его отключить?

  3. In the console that opens, enter the following command: REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v SunJavaUpdateSched /f

  4. Press Enter.
  5. Restart the computer.
After these steps, the changes will successfully take effect, and the jucheck.exe process will never appear again.
October 09, 2016 1
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  1. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 21: 18
    I disabled jucheck.exe quickly and easily, thanks for the article, the screenshots were more clear