How to disable shadows in Windows 8.1?

Как в Windows 8.1 отключить тени?

Immediately catches the eye in Windows 8.1 - this is the start screen. There is also a very convenient search here. But there are also a lot of old functions left here. So, one of the old features that has been preserved in this version of the operating system is shadows. In this case, we mean the shadows that are cast by icons on the desktop, windows, and the display of shadows under the mouse pointer. But you must admit that we all have different tastes and wishes. And, probably, not every user will like this feature (casting shadows). Disabling the shadow feature in Windows 8.1 is not that difficult.

The first thing you need to do is find the computer icon and right-click on it. In the window that appears, select "<font><font>Materials</font></font>". In the window that opens, you need to select and click on the item "Additional system parameters".
Как в Windows 8.1 отключить тени?

A new window will open in which in part "Performance"you need to press the button"Parameters".

In the new window that will open after completing the previous steps, you need to uncheck the items "Otbrasyvanie teney znachkami na rabochem table","Displaying shadows cast by windows" And "Otobrazhenie teni pod indicator mouse". To complete this action, you need to press the "OK".

As you can see, in order to get rid of shadows in Windows 8.1, you just need to perform a series of basic actions that will take you a minimum of time.
January 27, 2015 2
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 16: 33
    Shadows are definitely a personal addition to graphics. 
  2. ahhlov
    6 December 2023 18: 18
    I've been wanting to remove shadows for a long time! everything worked out! Thank you!