How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original

Как отличить айфон китайский от оригинала

In principle, copying famous brands is not a malicious violation of the laws of the Republic of China. But if such counterfeits were of at least some acceptable quality, this would not outrage naive and deceived consumers to the core.

When meeting for the first time Chinese iPhone no different from the original - the same camera, screen, call. But! The menu of such a device is often dotted with hieroglyphs, the camera does not correspond to the prescribed resolution, the screen has large grain, and the speaker, as a rule, whistles and wheezes. And even if you manage to turn on this device, very soon it will show you its true colors. And the low price will not at all soften the bitterness of disappointment. So – seven differences between an original iPhone and a fake:

1. The packaging of the original device looks of impeccable quality, with even seams and corners. Made of coated cardboard, which feels like plastic to the touch. At the bottom of the box there should be a sticker with the name of the iPhone, memory parameters, imei numbers, model and series in English. The “iPhone” logo and lettering must be embossed.

The original Apple logo has the apple bitten on the right, not the left! The box is additionally vacuum packed in polyethylene. It is possible that the device was checked for quality upon receipt at the retail outlet - it is better to inquire about this from the seller.

2. There should be a protective film on the front of the iPhone. There must be a perforated tab on the bottom edge for peeling off.

3. The delivery package must include an envelope with color instructions and two Apple logo stickers.

4. The set, which has remained constant since the first generations, necessarily includes:
- white headphones;
- white data cable;
- the charger is also white.

Characteristic of the original is a very neat folding of the cables, held together with transparent wide films. All the wires are soft and rubberized, and not hard, like the Chinese versions. There are no sharp corners or burrs on the plastic segments of the headphones.

5. The real iPhone case is not disassembled and has impeccable quality of precisely fitted panels. The back panel is also not removable. When starting the program iTunes you can easily identify the real iPhone.

6. The operating system of the original iPhone is iOS only. The menu is necessarily Russified. All technical parameters are of very high quality - bright display, clear photos, clear sound.

7. Common mistakes of Chinese handicraft manufacturers:
- iPhone cannot have two SIM cards;
- iPhone does not have a built-in stylus;
- iPhone is not equipped with an additional slot for built-in memory;
- iPhone does not have a telescopic TV antenna;
- the original iPhone has a characteristic Home key concave inward;
- the original iPhone never freezes. And don’t be confused by the presence of hieroglyphs on the packaging of the original iPhone in all respects. Perhaps it was created in completely legal factories in China, or intended for sale in Asian markets.
January 03, 2014 6
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  1. Sakan
    24 November 2018 10: 31
    Well, thank you. Why didn't I read this information before? Unfortunately, I just encountered this problem when purchasing an iPhone. I will be more attentive in the future.
  2. Kait.15
    24 November 2018 19: 09
    Sakan, if you purchase equipment secondhand or from unverified stores, you should be especially careful and carefully check the item before purchasing - and this applies not only to the iPhone.
  3. EvelClark
    27 November 2018 02: 23
    It's certainly good that there are such reviews. But in my opinion the information is very brief. Moreover, if you take into account the prices for iPhones. So it’s better to choose with an expert on these issues.

    Good recommendations. Although here it depends. I just ordered an iPhone from a popular online store. A few months later there was a problem with the battery. When I started to find out, it turned out that they had slipped a Chinese battery. The store gave me a replacement, but it’s still somehow not pleasant. And it was initially impossible to distinguish by external characteristics.

    You need to buy only from trusted sellers. Because a person who doesn’t understand and has seen only iPhones a couple of times will never be able to distinguish it from a fake.
  4. katerinaLina
    27 November 2018 02: 27
    Personally, I don’t see any point in overpaying for an iPhone. I like the Samsung Galaxy smartphone better. The functions are almost the same.
  5. Kait.15
    30 November 2018 12: 10
    katerinaLina, today Samsung’s pricing policy is such that top devices (usually the Galaxy line) are in the same price category (and sometimes higher) than the latest iPhone models.

    If we talk about the functional component, today the Android and iOS OS are little distinguishable. Today it all comes down to “little things”: design, support from the manufacturer, accessories, unique functions (iPhone has its own “tricks”, Samsung has its own).

    Of course, choosing a smartphone is a purely subjective concept; if you don’t see a need for Apple devices, you shouldn’t specifically switch to them.

    EvelClark, I completely agree with you. Having no experience working with these devices, you should not once again, for the sake of hypothetical savings, purchase a smartphone in unverified places or second-hand (especially if they promise a new smartphone). On the Apple website you can find a list of authorized stores that guarantee not only the originality of the devices, but also full warranty service.
  6. Shaty
    1 December 2023 17: 30
    I’ll send this article to my sister right now. So she’s given up on counterfeit iPhones, seriously!