How to remove Chinese Baidu antivirus?

Sometimes we install programs ourselves, which later bring a lot of problems. But there are also situations when such programs are installed independently. In any case, the user comes to the point when such programs are necessary remove from computer. And it is at this stage that the problems begin. Today we will talk about removing a program called Baidu. Baidu is the so-called Chinese antivirus. Users do not respond very well to this antivirus. This is because it is installed on the user’s computer without the owner’s knowledge. Most often it comes along with some free software. If you want to get rid of this program, then follow the instructions below.

So, first of all, you need to launch the task manager. Here in the "tab"Processes"we look for processes associated with the Baidu antivirus program and end each of them. It happens that after clicking on the "End process" button, the message "Access denied" appears. There is nothing wrong with that. If you get such an inscription, then just end the rest antivirus processes, but skip this process.

Now you need to delete all Baidu antivirus folders. It’s worth noting right away that there can be a lot of such folders. Therefore, the easiest way to find them is through the Windows system search. Delete the folders you find immediately. If a folder cannot be deleted, you need to rename it and repeat the deletion process again. This should help.

The last step remains. In order to complete this step, you need to download CCleaner program. This program is free and can be downloaded from our website. It is needed to permanently remove Baidu antivirus from your computer.

After entering this program, you will need to go to the section "Service". Here you will need to use two tabs, namely "Removing programs" And "Auto Backup". In the first tab, look for the Baidu program and if you find it, delete it. In the second tab, we also delete all elements associated with this antivirus. Finding them will not be so difficult, since they will all be written in Chinese characters.
Как удалить китайский антивирус Baidu?
If you need to clean your computer from the harmful Chinese Baidu antivirus, then the instructions given in this article will help you carry out the removal process.
January 29, 2015 2
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  1. Shaty
    6 December 2023 12: 08
    I have never seen a more annoying antivirus than Baida. 
  2. Vagina
    7 January 2024 12: 50
    I found out how to remove Chinese antivirus, thank you. Worst app of my life