How to password protect your computer - several ways

Как запаролить компьютер - несколько способов

The easiest way is to set a password when logging into the operating system. This method does not allow access to the system and limits rights to read, write and other operations with folders and files.

To set a password to log into the system, you first need to have Administrator rights. Then go through “Start” to “Control Panel” and “Accounts”, where you need to select “Manage another account”. After these manipulations, you will be able to create a password or change it. The password must be entered twice; if you are afraid of forgetting it, you can enter an additional hint.
If you have several accounts, then you need to password protect them all.
Each time the operating system boots, you will be prompted to enter a password, and if it is entered incorrectly, access to the system will become impossible.

Since it is possible to hack the password when logging into the operating system using special programs that just need to be loaded via a disk or flash drive, there is a more reliable option - setting a password at the BIOS entrance.

However, you need to act with some caution, since if the settings are incorrect, you can damage the entire computer as a whole.
In order to carry out this manipulation, when turning on, press one of the hot buttons – F2, F10 or Del. Depending on the BIOS version, computer model and operating system, the password may be set in different places.
In this situation, you should write down or remember the password; if you forget, then it may be impossible to load the operating system.

To reset the BIOS password, you need to remove the battery from the motherboard or short-circuit certain contacts on it, which is not easy for the average user, especially if the computer is portable. However, even this method is easy to hack for an experienced specialist, and if serious protection is required, then it is necessary to use special encryption programs from third-party manufacturers.
January 19, 2014 3
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  1. Nastya
    20 November 2023 22: 41
    Thanks for the article, I quickly set up a password on my computer, everything is clear and understandable
  2. Shaty
    2 December 2023 15: 40
    What an interesting theory with the password to enter the BIOS. Need to try. 
  3. Tulip
    4 December 2023 11: 39
    We figured out how to reset the password, now we need an article on how to resolve the password on a computer))