Solving the issue when the laptop does not see Wi-Fi

Решение вопроса, когда ноутбук не видит Wi-Fi

Increasingly, modern people prefer laptops to regular desktop computers. And it's quite simple to explain. A laptop is a very easy-to-use, compact device. And most importantly, thanks to it, you can access the Internet anywhere in the world. At the moment, all laptops released after 2008 are equipped with a Wi-Fi module. However, problems sometimes arise with this module. As a result of the fact that it cannot find a Wi-Fi source, we cannot access the Internet, even when we urgently need it. Reasons for failure of the Wi-Fi function

So, let's assume that in the room where you are, there is a configured access point in the form of a wireless router (router). Let's say this source is located a few steps away from the laptop. But despite this, the computer simply refuses to “catch” this network. What reasons make the device behave this way? And most importantly, how can these reasons be eliminated?

• If the laptop is an old one, then perhaps its module is in the Off state. It cannot switch automatically. To turn it on, you just need to move it to the On position. A more modern device will detect Wi-Fi even if its module key is in the Off position.

• You can activate the adapter of a modern laptop using hotkey combinations FN+F2. If it doesn’t work, then you should read the user manual documentation intended for a specific laptop model; perhaps a different way of turning it on will be described there.

• There is another reason for a module to fail - its drivers have crashed. If this particular reason is detected, it is necessary reinstall drivers. Drivers can be downloaded from the device manufacturer's website. It is not recommended to take drivers from other places. This can only make things worse.

• The adapter may not work if the wireless Internet management utility is not installed on the computer. It is usually located on the disk that comes with the laptop. But you can also download it from the manufacturer’s website.

• It is possible that it is not the laptop that does not see the network, but the network that does not see the laptop. That is, the problem may be a malfunction of the network itself. To do this, it is recommended to reboot the router. Sometimes, a new setting of all network parameters is necessary. Each provider has its own information on setting up a certain type of network. Installation instructions can be found in your provider's instructions.

• Well, the last reason is a malfunction of the laptop modules themselves. If the modules fail, the laptop should be sent for repair or taken under warranty to the store where it was purchased. Repairing old laptops is expensive. It is better to purchase external adapters for a modern laptop. They are cheap and there will be no problems with them. Using Wi-Fi makes it easy to exchange necessary files online, communicate with family and work partners, and quickly find answers to complex questions, so it’s worth knowing all the possible reasons for lack of communication.
June 01, 2014 2
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  1. Shaty
    2 December 2023 16: 04
    And the module actually went offline. Damn it, maybe the laptop is trying to die, it's really old. 
  2. ahhlov
    6 December 2023 12: 24
    Thank you! I connected very quickly!