How to buy a laptop second-hand?

Как покупать ноутбук с рук?

Recently, services for selling various devices have become increasingly popular, where users offer others to buy theirs. used goods at low prices. However, behind the reduced price tags there are often shortcomings that the seller is silent about, and the buyer may not immediately detect or may not pay attention to it at all. Today we will tell you how it is more profitable and best to buy a device such as a laptop from another owner.

So, we chose the laptop we needed and carefully studied its description. Conscientious sellers immediately note all the shortcomings, but in fact there are quite a few of them. Even if some “jambs” are taken into account, it is not a fact that this is where their list ends.

When meeting with the seller, be sure to ask for the sales receipt for the laptop to find out how old the device is. If there is no receipt, box or other equipment, but this was not indicated in the description, you can hint at a price reduction.

Inspect the laptop carefully for external damage. Any “undocumented” damage in the description will only benefit you and your pocket - the main thing is to adequately indicate them.

We turn on the laptop together with the seller. If it has already been enabled, please turn it off and on again to check the download speed. It happens that hard drives on laptops die suddenly, and the first sign is a very long system boot time or its complete absence. This laptop is not worth buying at all, or at a very low price.

We look at the screen and note whether there are any dead pixels or scratches affecting the image.

Via dxdiag (enter in the "Run" line called hotkey combination Windows + R) you can find out most of the characteristics and parameters of your computer that interest us. We check it with the description, or ask the seller. If you lied somewhere (added a few extra gigabytes of RAM, or few cores) - we point out the lie and lower the price.

In general, the more the seller lies, the more trust in him and the desire to buy should decrease. However, if we have checked everything correctly and are confident that during operation the laptop will not cause any more trouble than those that have already been identified, we can completely, during the examination, reduce the already quite low price to a much more profitable one

So, today we told you about how to correctly buy a “used” laptop. Stay with us!

February 04, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 20: 58
    Well, this is, of course, a very risky purchase. It is impossible to check everything.