Download NASM 2.14

NASM (Netwide Assembler) is indeed a free assembler designed for the Intel x86 architecture. It is used to write programs that run on 16-, 32-, and 64-bit processors.


NASM allows you to compile programs for various operating systems designed for processors compatible with the x86 architecture. This means that if you are on one operating system, you can compile the executable for another system without problems.



The process of compiling a program using NASM consists of two stages: assembly and linking. At the assembly stage, the source code of the program is converted into object code, which contains machine code and data corresponding to the source code, but identifiers (variables, symbols) are not yet associated with specific memory addresses.


The linking phase links identifiers defined in the main program with identifiers defined in other modules. Then the final memory addresses are assigned to all identifiers or they are dynamically allocated. The result is an executable file, which is a program ready to run on the target system.

All users of our site will be able to download this program from official sources without viruses and other utilities.

You can download the application from the following link:

NASM provides flexibility and control over the assembly language program development process, allowing programmers full control over machine code and system resources. It is widely used for developing low-level programs, drivers, operating systems and other system-level applications where precise control of hardware and memory is required.


December 29, 2023 1
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    8 January 2024 16: 18
    Wow! This is a very interesting article, in it I literally studied the application from the inside)