How to remove a program from your computer correctly

Как удалить программу с компьютера правильно

How to remove unnecessary programs from the operating system in such a way that not only the program itself is deleted, but also all files and entries associated with it?

This type of deletion is also called correct. How many times have young gamers deleted games using the so-called uninstallers that are located in the game folder. Often, with such a deletion, saves of this game and a number of other records about it remain in the system, which are of no use, but they seriously clutter the system.

In that case it is necessary to use Windows Installer. The vast majority of software products can be correctly removed using a standard Windows application.

Windows Installer is a special service that installs and uninstalls all applications on your system. That is, the program guarantees that all applications installed through it can be uninstalled without problems and completely.

It is this service that users should use to properly remove programs. There is no need to use any third-party applications, because in most cases they use the standard Windows service in their work.

So, to remove programs you should follow the following instructions:

1. In Windows 7, you need to click on the Start icon in the lower left corner of the screen. In the case of Windows 8.1, this can be done either through the search function, or by right-clicking on the windows icon in the same lower left corner.

Как удалить программу с компьютера правильно

2. Then in the menu that opens, select the item called Control panel.

3. You will see a large list in which you need to find an item Delete the program.

4. After a couple of seconds, Windows will create a complete list of programs installed on the system. Now all we have to do is select from the list the program that we want to remove.

5. By clicking on this program, it will be highlighted, and the inscription will light up at the top Delete/edit.

6. In the next window, you should simply confirm the process of removing the software product by clicking on the button YES.

7. In the Windows system, the removal will begin, and as usual, it happens quickly. After the uninstallation process is completed, you will be shown a window notifying you that the uninstallation has been successfully completed. In some cases, it may be necessary to complete the procedure. reboot the operating system.

This completes the process of completely removing the program. It must be remembered that software products should be completely removed, without leaving any garbage from them. Since over time, the system will become clogged with this garbage and it will be very difficult to get rid of it, because you will have no idea what these files are, where they came from and how valuable they are for the system. That is why you can use programs such as for uninstallation CCleaner or Revo Uninstaller.

We wish you good luck in learning all the intricacies of working correctly with Windows family systems!
November 14, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 19: 17
    An instructive article for dummies like me. I always delete programs incorrectly.