How to delete windows old folder in Windows 7?

Как удалить папку windows old в Windows 7?

So what is this folder? From the name it’s easy to guess that this folder contains data from the previous version of the operating system. That is, this folder stores all the files of the old operating system. This folder can be deleted, but it is advisable to do this 1-2 weeks aftersystem reinstallation. You should not immediately delete the windows.old folder, since it stores user files from the previous version of the operating system that you may still need. So, how to delete this folder? If you try to remove it in the usual way, you will not succeed. That is, you cannot delete this folder through Windows Explorer. You need to delete this folder differently.

First of all, you will need to go to the menu "My Computer". Then right-click on drive C and select "<font><font>Materials</font></font>". In the new window, click on the item "Disk Cleanup".
Как удалить папку windows old в Windows 7?

After these steps, the analysis of the system will begin, which will take very little time. Next, a new Disk Cleanup window will open. Here you will need to click on the item "Clean up system files".

Next, the list of files that can be deleted will be replenished with new ones. We will need to find the point "Predydushchie ustanovki Windows". Why exactly this? Yes, because they are exactly what they are located in the windows.old folder. We find this item and mark it with a checkmark. After that, confirm your action by clicking on the "OK".

After these steps, the windows.old folder should be completely deleted. But it may also happen that there will be empty folders left in it that just don’t want to be deleted. If this happens, run as administrator command line and write the following in it:rd /s /qc:\windows.old. Don't forget to press the "Enter" key at the end. If the windows.old folder takes up a lot of space on your disk, and, in general, just bothers you, then you can delete it in a matter of time.
January 04, 2015 3
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  1. Marina
    13 March 2015 13: 42
    Thank you! Everything worked out!
  2. Vadim
    7 June 2016 20: 49
    thanks helped
  3. Shaty
    4 December 2023 12: 04
    I didn't even know this folder existed. I'll go delete it.