How to connect a WiFi router

Как подключить WiFi-роутер

Here we will look at the basics of connecting a router to the network; router setup understands another article.

So, here he is, in front of us - purchased router. Let's not focus on the brand or model - it simply doesn't matter to us. What we have?
  • Directly, the router;
  • A power supply that is inserted into the socket at one end and into one of the connectors of the router at the other;
  • One or more small “Ethernet-Ethernet” type cables - to connect the router to a PC;
  • Instructions, which you will probably also need to study the connection aspects in more detail.

Как подключить WiFi-роутер

The picture above is the most typical back side of the router. This is exactly what we will be dealing with. Everything is in order.

  • The antenna is actually what it comes through WiFi signal. The kit is most often supplied unscrewed - screwing it on is not a big problem. There may be two, or three, and even probably more - it all depends on the router model. We just screw everything in;
  • LAN ports - as a rule, there are 4 of them. In the very first port (numbered 1) we insert an Ethernet cable that comes from the main computer. In the rest, you need to insert other stationary PCs located in this LAN segment. However, usually there is no priority, so any computer can be connected to any connector;
  • Internet connector - here we connect the most basic Ethernet cable, which runs from the entrance to our apartment;
  • Power connector - usually marked with information about current reception - here we connect the power supply coming from the nearest outlet;
  • Reset - this button can be located not only at the back, and may not even be a button as such - for protection, sometimes the buttons are “recessed” into the case and can only be reached with a thin object. Reboot the router with a short press, reset the settings with a long press.
Well, the algorithm is simple: the antenna - into the connector, the cable from the computer - into the LAN, the main Ethernet cable - into the Internet connector, the power supply - into the corresponding connector. Before setting up, reset the settings to factory defaults by long pressing the Reset button and go read the corresponding article on our website. Good luck!
December 08, 2014 2
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 09: 04
    Clear instructions for setting up the router, thank you. 
  2. ahhlov
    6 December 2023 09: 20
    I’ve been thinking for a long time about how to connect Wi-Fi! cool article!