Download iTools

Скачать iTools

This program is designed to manage files and folders located on Apple devices. It can be called an alternative iTunes.

The program interface is quite convenient, since all possible actions are distributed in special tabs. For example, the "Multimedia" tab allows you to display and transfer audio and video recordings between your personal computer and your device.

It is worth noting that files may undergo a conversion process to other formats before being transferred. In this case, the transfer is carried out along with all metadata, such as covers, lyrics and tags. The “Photo” section is entirely intended for managing graphic files, such as photographs or pictures. There are also special tabs designed to work with programs и e-books. It is worth noting that the program has a set of tools that allow you to organize the desktop of the selected device, and even record everything that happens on the device screen.

Special attention should be paid to the capabilities of iTools when working with applications and games. The program allows you to easily install and uninstall various applications. In addition, it is possible to automatically update all software installed on the device using the Internet connection of a personal computer.

Among the features of iTools it is worth highlighting:
- Supports work with all versions of IOS, including the newest OS.
- The ability to work with the program on devices with jailbreak and those without it.
- Availability of ample opportunities for working with applications, including their installation and updating.
- A wide range of possibilities for working with multimedia information.
- Ability to import/export any type of file.
- Availability of special utilities for converting multimedia files into various formats.
- Ability to create screenshots and videos of all actions occurring on the screen of the connected device.

Download iTools in Russian:


November 08, 2023 8
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  1. Eugene
    26 August 2014 11: 11
    Why is it suggested to download ITools in Russian and the link is to download the English version?
  2. Rina777
    20 November 2023 08: 33
    may be especially useful for those who prefer a simpler, cleaner interface compared to the sometimes cluttered iTunes interface.
  3. Stason
    4 December 2023 01: 53
     iTools, an application for managing files and folders, cool stuff
  4. Diz1k
    5 December 2023 01: 03
    Excellent application to manage files and transfer them
  5. desspire
    5 December 2023 04: 01
    Content management on Apple devices. Thank you for convenient management and personalization of devices.
  6. Basketball
    5 December 2023 17: 09
     I easily manage files and folders thanks to this program
  7. GodyVody
    6 December 2023 19: 09
    Just the thing for iPhone owners! I like everything, I recommend it to everyone