Where should I put my old computer?

Куда деть старый компьютер?

But you must admit that any technology becomes obsolete. What was relevant 5 years ago seems completely outdated today. The same thing happens with computers. After working for 5 years, the computer will become outdated, and you will probably think about replacing it. But, of course, with the purchase of a new computer, you will have to think about where to put the old one? Most often, our old computers that we have at home and that we want to get rid of are a large, bulging monitor and an old, dusty system unit. Today's youth are unlikely to be interested in this. But still, if you try to get rid of your old computer, where can you put it?

So, first of all, think about it: perhaps one of your friends urgently needs a computer, but they don’t have the opportunity to buy a new one right now. Your old computer can be given away or sold to such familiar people. Indeed, in most cases, our old unnecessary computers are full of energy and can work quite well.

Also think about it: do you have any organization or institution that needs a computer? For example, an old computer would be fine for a library. You can also do a good deed and donate your old computer to an orphanage. If your computer is not ten years old and is still fully functional, then your service will be appreciated.

By the way, you don’t have to throw away your computer right away. Your old computer can be bought by companies that repair PCs and their components. Of course, you won't get much money from this, but it's better than just throwing away the equipment. You will say that it is impossible to find buyers for old equipment. No, it's quite possible. Look in newspaper advertisements and on forums on the Internet. You'll definitely find something.

You can also recycle your old unwanted computer. To do this, the computer must be given to a special organization that deals with recycling. After disposal, you will be given documents that will confirm that you correctly disposed of unnecessary old equipment.

But if none of these methods suits you, then keep the computer for yourself. You can do whatever you want with it at home. For example, if you are at least partially involved in computer repair, then your old PC may be useful to you for diagnosing another computer. Also, using an old computer, you can try to figure out the general internal structure of the computer, carrying out the disassembly procedure.

If you are an experienced computer specialist, then you can make many useful devices from an old computer. You can make a mini-server from an old computer that can be used to download information from the Internet. If you really want, you can make it from an old PC powerful router. But for this it needs to be improved a little. If you have an old computer lying around at home, do not rush to immediately throw it in a landfill. It can be sold, properly disposed of, or adapted for any of your own purposes. There are many ways to get rid of an old computer. You just have to think a little and choose the most optimal one from all of them.
February 01, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 19: 40
    I've probably had this computer idle for about 15 years now. And it would be a shame to throw it away.