How to disassemble an Asus k53e laptop?

Как разобрать ноутбук Asus k53e?

If you are the owner of an Asus k53e laptop, you are probably wondering how to quickly and successfully disassemble this device, for example, to pochistit ego ot pili. Well, we will help you with this! To begin with, of course, let’s unplug the laptop and remove the battery. This is done by releasing two latches on the sides at the top of the laptop.

There is a service compartment below. Unscrew the two screws at the bottom of the laptop and pull the compartment cover towards you.

Next you will see, from left to right, the hard drive, WiFi card and RAM. Each part must be unscrewed and removed.

Now remove the keyboard. To do this, you need to pull out five latches with a thin object: at the two outermost top keys, at F5, F9 and PrtScr, pull the keyboard towards you. Next, you need to disconnect the keyboard from motherboard by disconnecting the cable.

Just to the right of the center of the laptop under the keyboard there will be a connector with a tongue - this is a bolt holding the DVD drive. Unscrew the bolt, press on the tongue and remove the DVD drive.

To completely detach the case from the motherboard, you need to unscrew all the remaining bolts holding the case, including 3 at the DVD bay and 6 at the top of the laptop (under the keyboard). That, however, is all that needs to be done to completely disassemble the Asus K53E laptop. Happy disassembly!
January 28, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 19: 11
    I wish I could somehow muster the courage to disassemble the laptop.