Installing updates and then shutting down the computer

Установка обновлений и последующее завершение работы компьютера

What does this operating system provide? Windows operating systems are very easy to use. They offer their users a wide range of features and capabilities. It should be noted that many actions in this operating system occur automatically. So, by default, Windows OS is set to automatically install updates. In principle, automatic installation of updates is a very convenient feature. After all, using this update method, you do not need to search for and update individual system components manually. But some users find this feature inconvenient.

So, it very often happens that when you turn off the computer with Windows OS installed, automatic installation of updates begins. In particular, when you try to shut down, a similar text will appear on your screen: “installing updates and then shutting down the computer.” That is, the computer will turn off only after all the necessary system updates have occurred.

This unexpected system update happens when your computer has been left unused for a long time. without sufficient internet connection. If you want to rid yourself of this function, then doing so is very simple.

First of all, you need to go to the control panel of your computer. After this you need to go to "system and safety" and then to "Windows Update". In the update center, look for and click on the item "Settings". It is in the upper left corner of the window.

Установка обновлений и последующее завершение работы компьютера

Here you need to open the tab in the "Important updates". And then select one of two items: "Download updates, but I make installation decisions"Or"Seek updates, but download and installation decisions are made by me".
By doing this, you will save yourself from unexpected updates that will slow down the system shutdown. Even if the installation of updates pops up at the time of completion, you can reschedule it for another time.
February 01, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 19: 42
    I didn’t know that you could turn off your computer after updates; I kept rebooting it.