Do not turn off your computer while the update is installing

Не выключайте пока компьютер устанавливается обновление

This operating system really has a lot of functions and capabilities. But let's talk about automatic Windows updates. This function is included in the system by default. When updates become available, you will be given the option to update everything immediately or later. If you chose later, then very often after reboot the computer the system starts updating automatically. When the operating system starts updating automatically, you will see the following text on the screen: "Do not turn off the computer while the update is installing". In principle, there is nothing wrong with this. Usually the update takes place quite quickly. And after installing all the necessary updates, the computer turns on.

But there are situations when the system takes a long time to update. This is due to the fact that the user has disabled automatic system updates and has not updated the system for a long time. In this case, the number of updates may exceed 100 components.

Naturally, such a number of updated components will not take 5 minutes. Many users complain in such cases that the system takes a very long time to update, but a large number of updated system components will take you at least an hour.

There are situations when the system started updating and simply froze. There is still the same inscription on the screen: Do not turn off the computer for now, the update is being installed,” but absolutely nothing happens. Such situations do not happen very often. But if this happens, you can do the following.

First you need to try a complete shutdown. To do this, you need to hold down the power key and wait until the computer turns off completely. Then turn on the computer again. Very often this helps.

If you have a laptop, then unplug it. After this, the recovery environment should appear. Here you can restore the system to a specific point or perform a system restore without deleting data. In most cases, the text on your computer screen “Do not turn off your computer while the update is installing” does not bode well. You just need to wait until the operating system is updated, and then continue to use the computer.
January 18, 2015 6
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  1. anonymous
    14 October 2015 17: 43
    My dad turned it off when the update popped up, 195 updates, zbs!
  2. Alexander
    April 13 2016 20: 09
    Good evening, I wanted to update Avas on the computer and the message on the computer lit up: do not turn on the computer; updates are being installed! I have two chess 41 out of 45, what should I do next?
  3. Kait.15
    April 14 2016 07: 48
    Alexander, during the update process, you really shouldn’t turn off the system, because... this may disable it. It is better to leave the computer to install updates overnight, by which time it should have installed everything.
  4. Tulip
    4 December 2023 10: 56
    I turned it off once when it was updating, then there was some kind of glitch. I did a rollback.
  5. Shaty
    4 December 2023 15: 25
    I used to have such system messages, but for some reason they disappeared a long time ago.
  6. ahhlov
    6 December 2023 19: 22
    I didn't even know about this! now I know! The article is very interesting and understandable! Thank you!