What's for what

The use of computer programs or software applications is an integral part of our digital lives. Whether you work with office productivity tools, creative software, or specialized applications, it's important to understand how to use the programs effectively. In this guide, we will show you the basic steps to use software applications on your computer.

Убираем колонтитулы в документе Microsoft Word 2010

Removing headers and footers in a Microsoft Word 2010 document

Even children today are familiar with electronic documents. And when it comes to this type of document, the Microsoft Word program immediately comes to mind.
April 15, 2016 2
Ставим "галочку в квадрате" в документе Microsoft Office Word

Put a checkmark in the square in a Microsoft Office Word document

If you need a high-quality program for working with electronic documents, then Microsoft Office Word will definitely come in handy. And you can find most of the answers to questions related to this software product on our website.
23 March, 2016 3
Сохраняем аудио в программе Audacity в формат MP3

Save audio in Audacity to MP3 format

Today, many different programs and various services have been created to edit sound files. One such program is Audacity.
20 March, 2016 3
Меняем номер в приложение Viber

Changing the number in the Viber application

In our modern age, you can use not only cellular communications for communication. Many different messengers and other various applications for communication have been created.
13 March, 2016 4
Как узнать число символов в документе Microsoft Office Word?

How to find out the number of characters in a Microsoft Office Word document?

The Microsoft Office Word text editor hides a huge number of possibilities. And users simply have no idea about many of them.
04 March, 2016 3
Убираем пробелы между абзацами в документе Microsoft Word

Removing spaces between paragraphs in a Microsoft Word document

In schools, universities, offices, and almost everywhere today, the Microsoft Word software product is used when working with electronic documents. This text editor has so many functions that even the most experienced user can get confused in it.
February 28, 2016 3
Убираем разрывы страниц в документе Microsoft Word

How to remove page breaks in a Microsoft Word document

When working with an electronic document, special attention is often paid to its design. And this includes setting the font type and size, the arrangement of pages and the text itself on the pages, and much more.
February 27, 2016 3
Как развернуть лист в документе Microsoft Office Word горизонтально?

How to expand a sheet horizontally in a Microsoft Office Word document?

If you need to type a document in electronic format, then you will use a text editor. The most popular editor today is Microsoft Office Word.
February 25, 2016 1
Ошибка Shockwave flash has crashed - как исправить в яндекс браузере?

Shockwave flash has crashed error - how to fix it in Yandex browser?

Each of us uses different browsers. There are no problems with this, since today there are many different browsers.
February 19, 2016 5
Обновляем Adobe Flash Player для Opera

Updating Adobe Flash Player for Opera

Thanks to Adobe Flash Player, videos, audio files, presentations, applications, and toys can be opened on Internet pages in one click. If you use the Opera browser and suddenly begin to notice that media content is not playing, then you should update the plugin to the latest version.
February 19, 2016 6
Сохраняем поисковик Яндекс в стартовую страницу

We save the Yandex search engine to the start page

Sometimes browser users encounter the following problem: the Yandex start page is replaced with another one. Not everyone is happy with this. What should I do to return it to its place? Let's look at it in this article.
February 19, 2016 9
Как изменить межстрочный интервал в документе Microsoft Office Word?

How to change line spacing in a Microsoft Office Word document?

Many users today create electronic documents in Microsoft Office Word. This is not surprising, since this program is very convenient and multifunctional.
February 13, 2016 0
Как удалить Вебальту

How to remove Webalta

Many users very often encounter the appearance of such malicious software as Webalta on their computers. This program replaces the search page, home page, installs an additional panel, and much more, without asking your permission. And the worst thing is
February 02, 2016 0
ISO - чем открыть?

ISO - how to open it?

Sometimes, when downloading certain programs, we often encounter unknown formats of these programs. Thus, very often there are files in the iso format. So what is this format and how to open it?
February 02, 2016 0
Как очистить кэш браузера

How to clear your browser cache

Clearing the cache in your browser can speed up your browser. No additional software is required for this. You just need to go to your browser settings and delete the cache.
February 02, 2016 0
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