What's for what

The use of computer programs or software applications is an integral part of our digital lives. Whether you work with office productivity tools, creative software, or specialized applications, it's important to understand how to use the programs effectively. In this guide, we will show you the basic steps to use software applications on your computer.

Как сделать буклет на компьютере при помощи Microsoft Word

How to make a booklet on your computer using Microsoft Word

Today there are many different ways to convey advertising information to the target audience, and one of the most popular types is the distribution of booklets. Having Microsoft Word on your computer, you will have the opportunity to make your own version
October 02, 2017 4
Как добавить диаграмму в Microsoft Word

How to Add a Chart in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a popular tool for creating text documents, which is actively used both for home use and among corporate users. In particular, in addition to text, Word often requires inserting other information, such as diagrams.
26th September, 2017 2
Как объединить таблицы в Microsoft Office Word

How to Merge Tables in Microsoft Office Word

Often, users of Microsoft Office Word work not only with text, but also with tables that can be created and edited in this tool. Today we will cover the question of how to merge two tables in a popular text editor.
24th September, 2017 2
Как вставить таблицу из Microsoft Word в PowerPoint

How to Insert a Table from Microsoft Word into PowerPoint

When creating a presentation in the popular Microsoft PowerPoint program, users often need to add various information to the slides - text, images, music, and more. But what if you need to insert a table from MS Word?
20th September, 2017 2
Использование альтернативных шрифтов в Steam

Using alternative fonts on Steam

Steam is a popular gaming service that is used by users to purchase and launch computer games, to save game achievements, to find like-minded people, etc. By default, the service uses the Arial font, which may seem too banal to some users. Today
08th September, 2017 1
Узнаем состояние жесткого диска с помощью утилиты CrystalDiskInfo

Find out the status of the hard drive using the CrystalDiskInfo utility

A hard drive is a complex mechanical device, which, unfortunately, is very fragile. Since users’ hard drives store almost their entire life, it is very important to monitor the condition of the hard drive to prevent it from breaking. To monitor the status of your hard drive,
August 17, 2017 3
Как пользоваться программой CrystalDiskMark

How to use CrystalDiskMark

When you need to test hard drives or other storage drives to determine the exact read and write speeds, special utilities such as CrystalDiskMark come to the rescue. Today we will talk about how to use this program.
August 14, 2017 2
Как поменять логин в Steam

How to change login on Steam

Among all existing gaming services, Steam is rightfully considered the most popular. This service has hundreds of millions of active users, among whom you are likely to be. If, in your opinion, the current login is outdated, you always have the opportunity to change it.
January 06, 2017 1
Viber для Android: инструкция по установке и использованию

Viber for Android: installation and use instructions

Today, messengers have gained particular popularity, reducing the importance of SMS messages to almost zero - this is an accessible, cheap and convenient way to stay in touch with friends, family and colleagues in various ways: using text messages, voice calls and even video calls. One of
June 24, 2017 3
Способы решения ошибки пакета Windows Installer при установке iTunes

Ways to solve Windows Installer package error when installing iTunes

Windows Installer package error is a fairly common error when installing iTunes, and to resolve it you will need to follow one of the methods given in the article.
June 10, 2017 1
Как перенести контакты с iPhone на смартфон Samsung

How to transfer contacts from iPhone to Samsung smartphone

If you decide to change your iPhone to a Samsung device, then first of all you need to take care of transferring contacts from one device to another.
January 16, 2017 1
Не устанавливается Adobe Flash Player: основные причины и способы решения

Adobe Flash Player does not install: main reasons and solutions

Flash Player is a rather problematic plugin, problems with which users may encounter at various stages. In particular, today we will consider in more detail the situation when the plugin does not want to be installed.
April 28, 2017 1
Взлом Wi-Fi с помощью CommView и Aircrack-ng

Hacking Wi-Fi using CommView and Aircrack-ng

Here you will learn how to hack Wi-Fi using just two programs.
February 05, 2017 3
Армянская клавиатура: новинка в сервисе Appstore

Armenian keyboard: new in the Appstore service

Have you been looking for an Armenian keyboard for your iOS with high-quality functionality? We have already found one for you. In the AppStore you can download the Armenian keyboard completely free of charge, which you can use when visiting the Internet.
October 27, 2016 2
Снимаем защиту от записи в программе Total Commander

Removing write protection in Total Commander

Here you will learn how to remove the “Unprotect the recording!” error. in Total Commander.
October 23, 2016 1
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