Web Services Overview

In today's digital age, web services have become an integral part of many tasks, from communication and collaboration to entertainment and productivity. In this review, we'll look at a number of web services that excel in specific areas, making them invaluable tools for users with different needs.

Онлайн надпись на фото

Online inscription on photo

How to put text on a photo? This question has been and remains relevant when processing photographs. In this article you will learn how to quickly add effective text to a photo without resorting to downloading complex programs.
November 14, 2014 2
Обзор онлайн-словаря "Мультитран"

Review of the online dictionary "Multitran"

What does a person who is serious about learning foreign languages ​​need? First of all, this is, of course, a high-quality translator. “Multitran” is a real find for translating text from a foreign language.
November 13, 2014 1
2 удобных сервиса для обрезки фото

2 convenient services for cropping photos

The cameras we use today to take photographs can create images of enormous size. But how often do we need such large sizes? Sometimes photos of huge resolutions, on the contrary, create more inconvenience. And resizing a photo is quite easy, using specially created for this purpose
November 13, 2014 1
Онлайн-переводчик с белорусского на русский

Online translator from Belarusian to Russian

Today, in order to translate any text from one language to another, you can use free online translators. So, in order to translate a Belarusian text into Russian, you do not need to have perfect knowledge of the language.
November 08, 2014 0
Онлайн-переводчик с немецкого на русский бесплатно

Online translator from German to Russian for free

Today, many of us take advantage of the opportunities and services of free online services. Thus, various online translators are very popular.
November 08, 2014 1
Онлайн-переводчик с казахского на русский

Online translator from Kazakh to Russian

Agree that it is impossible to know all the languages ​​of the world. But at any moment some of them may be useful to us. So, imagine that you urgently needed to translate some text from Russian into Kazakh. What to do? After all, if you learn this language completely, then all this can take a lot
November 07, 2014 4
Онлайн-фотошоп фотофабрика

Online photoshop photo factory

What can an online photo editor interest a user besides photo effects and interesting editing tools? Most likely, this is graffiti on the wall of friends, intriguing statuses, colorful screensavers on the desktop. And this was not invented by us, but by the Online Photoshop Photo Factory. Let's talk about him.
16th September, 2014 1
Онлайн фоторедактор piZap

Online photo editor piZap

We continue to get acquainted with online photo processing services. This time we bring to your attention the resource Pizap, which identifies itself as an online photoshop. We will look further at what it looks like and what it can do.
03th September, 2014 1
Развлекательный онлайн-сервис Picachoo

Online entertainment service Picachoo

Pikachu is an online service for creating photos and animations using your webcam. In addition, here you can chat and view the latest photos of other users. Agree, a tempting prospect. Let's take a closer look at the service.
August 24, 2014 2
Как сделать визитку или календарь онлайн

How to make a business card or calendar online

Do you often use business cards? Of course, if your work does not involve business meetings, then you have no need for business cards. But, often, specialists in one activity or another have to exchange business cards with partners or clients.
January 06, 2014 1
Открыть файл xls онлайн

Open xls file online

Almost every user deals with documents, be it a student, an office worker or a private entrepreneur. The files are usually located on a flash drive so that you can edit the text of the document or make a second copy at any time. But what to do if you don’t have it installed on your computer?
January 03, 2014 1
Имикими - создание фотоэффектов онлайн

Imikimi - create photo effects online

The time for ordinary photographs is long gone. Nowadays, many people strive to decorate their photos using various services or Photoshop. Remove minor imperfections, make a landscape attractive, or transform an image with a frame simply using the Imikimi online service.
June 27, 2014 17
Объединить Pdf файлы в один с помощью онлайн-ресурса

Combine Pdf files into one using an online resource

Working with texts involves using the convenient pdf file format. Sometimes there is a need to make one out of several previously created files. In order not to install additional programs on your computer for the sake of merging files, you can use
June 19, 2014 3
Клип2Нет - удобный сервис обмена скриншотами

Clip2Net - convenient screenshot sharing service

The Clip2Net program was created to help users who often take screenshots. This service is quite functional: you can take a screenshot and immediately record audio with an explanation, create signatures and graphic notes on the image, you can also record a video with a step-by-step explanation
January 30, 2014 2
Бесплатные анонимайзеры ВКонтакте

Free anonymizers on VKontakte

Recently, the social network VKontakte has proven widespread among users. It is most common in Russia and the CIS countries. But due to viruses or at work, the page becomes inaccessible. It is this problem that we will tackle.
January 06, 2014 1
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