Номер службы поддержки мтс

MTS support number

A huge number of people in our country use the services of the cellular operator MTS. This operator is one of the most popular communication providers in our country.
December 06, 2014 1
Сервисы для прослушивания онлайн-радио

Services for listening to online radio

Do you like to listen to music while writing your next blog post, web programming, or just surfing the Internet? Many people believe that music helps them do more work. Moreover, music unites fans of one genre or another.
December 06, 2014 1
Восстановление пароля в одноклассниках

Password recovery in Odnoklassniki

How can I recover the password from [url=http://]account in O[/url] in case you lost it or simply forgot? No wonder, we can often hear from friends that they forgot the password for something.
December 03, 2014 5
Инструкция по удалению электронного почтового ящика Яндекс

Instructions for deleting a Yandex email account

Creating a mailbox on Yandex is quite easy. One has only to open the Yandex search engine page and click on the “Create a mailbox” button, following the instructions in a couple of minutes we receive our own mail. And the opposite procedure is deleting a Yandex email box, so simple
December 01, 2014 6
Как создать группу Вконтакте?

How to create a VKontakte group?

Today, most registered users of the social network are asking the question, “How to create a VKontakte group?” This question is quite common. Groups, in other words, communities are created for different purposes. The main objectives of creating a group are –
November 30, 2014 1
Что такое вай фай?

What is Wi-Fi?

Today, Wi-Fi is a fairly popular method of Internet connection. In many cafes, restaurants and other similar establishments, you will notice that there is Wi-Fi. This means that you can use the Internet connection for free. Just keep in mind that the speed
November 30, 2014 1
Как подключить компьютер к компьютеру?

How to connect a computer to a computer?

Today, many people are interested in the question, “How to connect a computer to a computer?” Some will probably ask why this is. Goals can be completely different. In other words, it could be a common interest, or a systemic issue. You can install the system using a third-party computer
November 30, 2014 2
Скачать Adobe Flash Player ActiveX бесплатно

Download Adobe Flash Player ActiveX for free

ActiveX – A framework for defining usable software components from programs written in different programming languages. Software can be assembled from one or several similar components in order to use their functionality.
November 30, 2014 1
Как изменить имя Вконтакте

How to change your VKontakte name

Today, the social network Vkontakte is quite popular. Every day, new people, photographs, videos, audio recordings, communities, and so on are registered in VKontakte. For a long time now, the majority of users of the World Wide Web have been using social networks to communicate with
November 30, 2014 1
Как найти телефон по IMEI

How to find a phone by IMEI

Most people who use mobile devices have lost their phone or smartphone more than once. And it’s not always possible to find it on your own. A fairly easy way to find a lost phone is to search by IMEI. Of course, not everyone knows about this method, that’s why it was
November 30, 2014 44
Как разблокировать планшет?

How to unlock the tablet?

Locking your tablet screen is very useful. This not only prevents accidental taps on the screen, but also prevents unauthorized persons from using the tablet. To securely lock Android tablets, there are several locking methods. And sometimes, wanting to protect your device, you
November 30, 2014 1
Как прошить PS3

How to flash PS3

Today, many people play a variety of games. Some people play them on computers, and others on game consoles.
November 29, 2014 1
Гугл планета земля скачать бесплатно

Google planet earth free download

Google services and programs are the most popular on the Internet today. This company offers its users many different useful and interesting online services.
November 29, 2014 1
Sm контроллер шины что это

Sm bus controller what is it

Surely each of us at least once, but went to the “Device Manager” of the computer. And if you went there, you saw that there are different “controllers” there.
November 29, 2014 1
Онлайн подсчет символов

Online character counting

Today you can find anything you want on the Internet. And you can find something really worthwhile and useful.
November 29, 2014 1
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