Как правильно определить модель ноутбука

How to correctly determine the laptop model

This article will talk about ways to determine your laptop model. Knowing your laptop model may be needed in completely different situations, for example, if you need to replace the charger.
November 17, 2014 1
Всплывающие окна. Как их заблокировать?

Popup windows. How to block them?

Advertising is the main and only source of income for many sites. Unfortunately, often the owners of these sites fail to place advertisements correctly, as a result of which users are faced with pop-up windows directing them to various sites. How to get rid of this trouble?
November 17, 2014 2
Файлы расширения .doc. Чем открыть?

Files with .doc extension. How to open it?

Absolutely every user of a Windows operating system, if not every day, then very often encounters .doc files and probably has an idea of ​​what these files are and how to open them. However, users of other operating systems, for example, LINUX or MAC OS, may not be aware of this extension.
November 17, 2014 1
Из-за чего не загружается Windows 7

Why Windows 7 won't boot

Users of personal computers often wonder why the Windows 7 operating system does not start for them. And this despite the fact that very often problems with starting the system do not contain complete information about the error. And figure out for yourself what happens very
November 17, 2014 4
Как включить веб-камеру на ноутбуке?

How to turn on the webcam on a laptop?

New laptop users cannot always figure out how to turn on the webcam on a laptop so that they can use it to communicate, take photos, and record videos. In fact, there is no difficulty in this. You can enable the webcam on all laptops in the same way
November 17, 2014 4
Несколько способов удаления своей страницы ВКонткте

Several ways to delete your VKontkte page

Do you need to delete your VKontakte page? No problem! This can be done very quickly. Moreover, the page can also be restored in the future. This article will clearly show you what and how in this matter.
November 17, 2014 1
Как отключить услугу на мегафоне

How to disable the service on a megaphone

Today, each of us communicates with friends, relatives, acquaintances, and colleagues using phones. And each of us uses a SIM card for this, which can be different.
November 16, 2014 1


We all use email today. Using it, we exchange messages and other various files with each other.
November 16, 2014 10
Как обновить драйвер видеокарты

How to update your video card driver

Every modern computer has video cards. It is thanks to it that graphic images are displayed on the monitor. But for a video card to work efficiently, it must have special software installed, called drivers.
November 16, 2014 1
DMG - чем открыть?

DMG - how to open it?

Today there are many different file formats. And some of them are sometimes completely unfamiliar to us, which raises a completely appropriate question: how and with what to open the file?
November 16, 2014 2
Как проверить баланс на мегафоне

How to check the balance on a megaphone

Today, almost all of us have mobile phones. For us, this is, first of all, a means of communication with each other. But to make calls, access the Internet, and write SMS messages from your phone, you need a SIM card. SIM cards are provided by telecom operators.
November 16, 2014 0
Как в документе Microsoft Office сделать рамку

How to make a frame in a Microsoft Office document

Each of us has worked or is working with different types of documents. This includes text documents, spreadsheets, databases and much more. In order to work with such documents, you must have a special program, which will consist of application packages.
November 16, 2014 1
DWG - чем открыть?

DWG - how to open it?

Today there are many different files. And all these files can be stored in a wide variety of formats. Even if you are an experienced computer user and have worked with a lot of different files, some file formats can leave you stumped.
November 16, 2014 2
Мультитран онлайн

Multitran online

Remember your school days. Some studied English, some German, and some French. But no matter what language we studied, each of us used a special dictionary.
November 16, 2014 1
Как добавить видео на YouTube

How to add a video to YouTube

Today, so-called video vlogs are gaining great popularity. In them, people talk about literally everything: news, reviews of cosmetics, give useful tips, teach how to use equipment, and much more. Most video vlogs can be found on the most popular resource - YouTube. In this
November 16, 2014 1
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