How to remove McAfee antivirus from your computer?

It is precisely because of the diversity antivirus programs, users change them very often. And when changing the antivirus program, many people experience various problems. The most common problem is the inability to remove the previous antivirus from the computer. As a result, it is not possible to install a new antivirus on the computer. Today we will again talk about completely removing the antivirus program. If you decide to completely get rid of McAfee antivirus program, then this article is definitely for you.
First, you need to remove all programs associated with McAfee antivirus standard method. That is, you need to go to the control panel and here go to the menu "Removing programs". This step is shown in more detail in the screenshot below.

Most often, the first step does not completely remove all components of the McAfee program. But don’t despair, as there is a special utility for these purposes. You can download it directly from our website.
The McAfee removal utility is very lightweight and downloads quickly. After downloading, you need to launch it and press the button several timesNext". At one stage you will need to agree to the license agreement and again click on the button "Next".
Before deleting, you will need to enter the digital captcha and click on the " button againNext". The uninstallation process will begin. At the end of all these steps, you will need to restart your computer. After reboot the system McAfee antivirus will completely disappear from your computer. You can remove any program from your computer. But not all programs are suitable for the same methods.