How to remove 360 Total Security from your computer?

Very often problems associated with antivirus programs, occur when the user wants to change the antivirus. In such situations, you need to remove the old one and then install a new antivirus. As you may have guessed, the main problem lies in the process of removing the antivirus from the user's computer. Today we will look at the following question: how to remove 360 Total Security from a computer? This antivirus program has already been described on our website, so we will not go into its functions and capabilities. Let's move on to the process of removing it.
First of all, you should try to remove this antivirus in the standard way, that is via control panel. Here you need to go to the menu "Removing programs", and then find and uninstall a program called 360 Internet Security. It is worth noting that the name of this antivirus can be written in hieroglyphs.
But this method does not always help. You can do it differently. First of all, you need to go to the folder of this antivirus and in it you need to find and run the Uninstall.exe file. If the file starts, then we confirm the removal of the program. But this method does not always work. So let's look at a few more.
It is necessary to clean the system of all components of the 360 Total Security antivirus. To do this, you need to deactivate the protection of this antivirus program. We go into the program and in the main settings menu, uncheck the item "Enable Self-Defense 360". After this you need to uncheck the item "Enable protection during system boot".
Now you need to install an excellent system cleaning program called CCleaner. You can download it from our website. Using this program, we completely delete the folder with the antivirus (C:\Program Files (x86)\360\), and then you need to clean the system. To complete all these steps using the CCleaner program, you need to perform cleaning the registry. As you can see, even the most “unremovable” program can be removed from your computer.