How to write vertical text in a Microsoft Office Word document?

Microsoft Word can easily be called a simple and convenient text editor, but the variety of functions it contains often confuses many users. Issues related to this text editor have been repeatedly discussed on our website. Today we will again look at the issue related to the package text editor Microsoft Office. Consider this: How do you rotate text vertically in a Microsoft Word document? We'll look at several ways to write text vertically in a Microsoft Word document. In the first way we you will need a table. So let's go to the tab "Insert" and select the item "Table".

We insert a table with one cell into the document and write the text we need in the cell. After that, right-click on the cell and select "Text direction". A window with types of text will appear. Select the vertical text type and confirm your actions.

As a result, our cell will become vertical. All you need to do is expand the cell borders and then make them invisible. You can find how to do this on our website.

The second method uses an insertion element such as "Inscription". In the "tab"Insert"select item"Inscription"and at the end select the item"Simple inscription".

A window with standard text will appear. We delete it and write the text we need. Left-click on the border of the inscription.
A new menu will appear at the top. In this menu there is an item "Text direction". If you click on it, the text in the frame will begin to change its location. You need to click on the item "Text direction" until the text stops in a vertical position.
Now we need to remove the outline from the inscription. To do this, look for the menu item "Figure outline" and click on it. In the menu that opens, select the item "No outline". The screenshot clearly shows that thanks to these actions, clean vertical text appeared.
Writing text vertically in a Microsoft Word document is quite simple. You just need to choose the method that is most convenient for you.
See also:
- How to remove the background in a Microsoft Office Word document when copying text?
- How to expand a sheet horizontally in a Microsoft Office Word document?
- How to make footnotes in a Microsoft Office Word document?
- Hyphenation in a Microsoft Word 2010 document
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