How to find hidden folders on your computer

Как найти скрытые папки на компьютере

Protected or hidden system files appear translucent in appearance. In order to find hidden folders on your computer, you need to change their display on the computer and make them visible to the user.

You need to go to any Explorer window “My Computer” or “My Documents”, click the “Tools” menu, select “Folder Options”. In the window that appears, you need to select the “View” tab, then in “Additional materials” check the “Show hidden folders and files” checkbox. These manipulations will allow you to see all hidden folders and files. Also, to display them, you need to uncheck the “Hide protected system files” box in order to be able to see absolutely everything. If you make this choice, a warning will appear indicating that deleting system folders may interfere with the normal functionality of the system. It is recommended to use the full display of all hidden files and folders only when absolutely necessary.

It is possible to get to these settings using another method, for which you just need to enter folder parameters in “Start” in the “Search” line, then left-click on the search result. This will make it possible to get into the previous described settings.

Another option is to click on “Arrange” in the Explorer menu, where the “Folder and Search Options” item will also pop up.

It is also possible to use the program "Total Commander ", the peculiarity of which is to turn on/off the mode of showing hidden folders. This is done by pressing one button, in the form of an asterisk. Showing hidden folders using this program is possible using the following algorithm: launching the program - selecting the desired directory and clicking the stars on the panel.

Knowing exactly where the hidden folder is located will allow you to find it by entering the location text in the address bar of Explorer. It is also possible to see hidden files by connecting a LiveCD to your computer, it will operating system loaded, thanks to which the user will be given the ability to access devices connected to this computer. Using this, you can go to your hard drive and see any folder or file, regardless of the attributes set in the folder properties.
April 30, 2014 2
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  1. Just4tw
    21 November 2023 17: 28
    Interesting information about total commander, I didn’t know about these stars. 
  2. Shaty
    1 December 2023 17: 23
    Thanks to your article, I discovered that at work a madam is stealing my files and hiding them in hidden folders. Thanks for the help!!!