What to do if your laptop floods?

Что делать, если залил ноутбук?

Of course, you need to play it safe right away and place cups of drinks as far as possible from the laptop, and not drink them over the keyboard itself. But once again - what if this has already happened? Firstly, the actions must be immediate: you need to immediately disconnect the laptop from the network, turn off the system itself, remove everything that is inserted into the connectors, remove the battery and, if possible, the hard drive.

If water spills, in principle, nothing bad will happen: if possible, tilt the screen so that both the keyboard and the monitor itself “look” straight up, turn the laptop upside down, and place it on a newspaper or any other absorbent surface. Under no circumstances should you place your laptop on a heater or radiator! Unless you can place them side by side. You can throw silicone balls between the keys.

If coffee or juice is spilled, naturally, the order should be the same, but no one is safe from the fact that it all dries out and sticks. Therefore, it is advisable immediately disassemble laptop and clean everything you can reach, including dust accumulated over time. The surface of the laptop (keyboard, for example) should be wiped with a damp cloth and left to dry. Ideally, you would immediately take it (with disconnected connectors, battery and hard drive (if possible, again)) to any nearest service center to promptly clean the poor fellow. Here, however, are the main details of the actions that will need to be taken if the laptop is flooded. Let me remind you - all actions must be clear and fast, not a minute can be wasted! Good luck!
January 29, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 19: 27
    I've already filled it 5 times and everything is fine. Only the keyboard does not work)))