How to set up a TP-Link WiFi router

TP-Link is a fairly large router manufacturing company. Production includes both budget and expensive models. However, they are all configured in approximately the same interface - very convenient, isn’t it? Therefore, our goal today is to describe in as much detail as possible the main settings for the routers of this company. So, we will skip the moment with connecting cables to the router itself, since our website already has detailed connection analysis.
In the “Properties” of the local network connection, you must set the properties in the TCP/IP v4 protocol to automatically obtain an IP address and DNS server. How to do this - read here.
Also, before logging into the control panel for the first time, you need to do a factory reset. To do this, press the Reset button and hold it for ten seconds. In a couple of minutes the device will completely reboot and we can get started.
Most often, TP-Link routers are connected to the address Login and password - admin и admin.

After we got into the router control panel, we need, first of all, to configure the WAN Internet connection itself. To do this, go to the “Network” section and select the “WAN” subsection. We find out the network type (“WAN Connection Type”) from the provider; if you need to enter any data (IP address, subnet mask, DNS), we also find out about them from the provider and enter them in the appropriate fields.

Let's move on to setting up the WiFi connection. To do this, we need the following section - "Wireless" and its subsection "Wireless Settings". SSID - router name. In the region, select your country. Channel - can be left automatic, but if there is a drop in speed, of course, it is recommended to switch to a specific one. We leave the remaining fields untouched and save.

Next is the security of the wireless connection, or “Wireless Security”. This is the next sub-item after “Wireless Settings”, so let’s go straight to it. The recommended one is WPA/WPA2 - Personal - we'll take it. This is the most modern and most secure type, accompanied by a password. Security version - WPA2-PSK. In the "PSK password" section we write strong password, through which you will connect to the router. Let's save.
The setup is complete. Go to the "System Tools" section, select the "Reboot" subsection. Click the button of the same name in the menu that appears and wait for the router to reboot. After this, the router will work as it should.