Setting up an Asus router

If you are the owner of this Asus model device, our article will help you figure it out in setting up the router. Before you start setting up, make sure that the router is connected to the network, and that an antenna, a LAN cable from the computer and a “main” Internet cable such as Ethernet are connected to it in the appropriate connector.

Before starting setup, it is recommended to perform a factory reset. To do this, hold down the Reset button and hold it for 10 seconds. After two minutes the device will be reset.

In order to enter the control panel of the Asus router, you need to go to the address bar Your Internet browser enter the following address: . The authorization window is completed by entering the login-password pair: admin-admin.

Настройка роутера Asus

Entering the router settings, we recommend that you set the language to English in the language selection menu so that there are no further problems in setting up: this manual provides items in English.

In section IP Configuration select a subsection WAN & LAN. In the items "WAN Connection Type", "Get IP Automatically?" and "Get DNS Server Automatically" we set "Automatic IP", "Yes" and "Yes" respectively. By clicking the "Save", "Apply", "Finish" or "OK" button (the name of the button has different meanings on different firmware), we save the saved data. If the router does not work with automatic settings, you need to find out the settings from your provider: WAN connection type, IP address, subnet mask and DNS servers. After determining, enter all the data in the appropriate fields and click the save button.

Rebooting the router to apply the settings is done in the "System Setup" menu by clicking the "Save & Restart" button.

WiFi is configured in the section wireless, submenu Interface.

In the SSID field, enter the name of your wireless network. In Channel, select any value other than Auto; if the wireless connection is incorrect with connection problems, change this value to any other until the most correct one is found.

Authentic Method - a method to protect your network. Here it is recommended to select WPA2-PSK.

In the WPA Pre-Shared Key (PSK) field you must enter strong password key encryption of your network, the length of which must be at least 8 characters.

These instructions are universal for all Asus routers. If any points differ, it’s all down to the special firmware of your router. Therefore, if you have any problems related to setting up your Asus router, please contact us using the comment form. Good luck with the setup!
December 10, 2014 2
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 09: 41
    Thank you for the correct address for entering the settings, otherwise I’m confused about which one I need.
  2. ahhlov
    6 December 2023 09: 12
    the article helped! I've set everything up! The article is very clear and informative!