Kak zayti v nastroyki routera?

Setting up a router is a tricky business. Without special knowledge, you won’t immediately figure out which windows to open and where to go. We will try to understand this issue in as much detail as possible and find out how to configure the router to the necessary parameters. The main entrance to the settings section is through a browser. Best to use Internet Explorer, but it will also do any other. In the address bar you need to enter the numbers Suitable for almost all models, except D-Link, Tenda, Netgear. The address is suitable for them.
Press the Enter key and a new window opens in which you need to enter your username and password. In both lines you need to enter the word - admin, it is standard for all router models. As a result, a large page will open where you can remotely manage all aspects of the router. You can get the settings data as follows:
1. Let's start working with the Start button. In the main menu on the right we see the Control Panel.
2. You need to go to the “Network and Internet” section.

3. Click “Network and Sharing Center”, then click on the phrase “Change adapter settings”. We see the status window.

4. Find “Local Area Connection” and call up the pop-up window using the right mouse button. Open the properties in it.
5. Using the “Information” section, you can find out detailed information about the connection. This data is necessary to configure the router in the browser.