How to find out the processor temperature?

Как узнать температуру процессора?

Therefore, it is very important that this component does not overheat during operation. After all, prolonged or severe overheating will, at best, reduce the life of the processor, and at worst, cause it to fail altogether. If you feel that something is wrong with your computer, it starts to work slower, you hear unusual fan sounds, the computer reboots with a “blue screen of death” (or without it), then it is quite possible that this is all the tricks of the processor. And to make sure this is true, you need to find out the processor temperature.

And you can do this in three ways:

1.view temperature in BIOS settings; a special utility;
3.install the gadget.

The first option is completely inconvenient for us - restarting the PC at every suspicion is not very convenient. The third option is a matter of taste and has no additional functionality. But let’s take a closer look at the second method.

There are several utilities for measuring temperature, and one of the simplest and most convenient is the program Speccy from the company Priform, which many know from another famous product CCleaner. Speecy is free and fully Russified.

Download the program from the official website, install it and launch it. To Russify the program, you need to click View > Options > Language > Russian > OK.

Как узнать температуру процессора?

By default on the right side of the window Speccy is displayed General information. Actually, here you can see the parameter CPU and its temperature. By clicking on the green square, you can expand the processor load chronology. Why is this needed: a chronology in the form of a scale shows how stable the processor is. If this indicator “jumps”, it means that something is wrong with your computer.

To find out what is causing the temperature changes, you can leave this program in the background, placing it, say, in a corner or minimized. Now try opening those programs after which, in your opinion, the processor begins to overheat. Or vice versa, close open programs to see if the temperature drops.

A similar program is Open Hardware Monitor.

It is more modest in its capabilities, but it relates entirely to our topic. It can record not only current indicators, but also minimum-maximum values. To do this, of course, the program must be running for some time.

Download it from the official website, take out the folder from the archive, click on the file OpenHardwareMonitor.exe right mouse button and select Run as administrator.

As is already clear, the program does not require installation. After starting the program, you will see such a window, but with different indicators.

In it you need to find the processor (in the screenshot it is Intel Core i3-2120). What do the parameters under the processor mean:
Clocks - these are frequencies, we don’t need them.
Temperatures - these are the temperatures of all cores of your processor.

Those numbers that are in the column Value, indicate the current processor temperature, and those in the column Max, indicate the maximum temperature.

By leaving the program running in the background (you can minimize it), you can check changes in these indicators after every action performed on your PC (installing and launching programs, launching games and other files).
The maximum permissible processor temperature can be no more than 70 degrees!!!

We hope that this information will help you find out the temperature of the processor and if there is any problem with overheating of this component, solve it.
December 11, 2014 2
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  1. lenkapddd
    23 November 2023 14: 37
    I didn’t even know about this, now I will. Thanks a lot!!! 
  2. Shaty
    4 December 2023 09: 46
    I liked the Speccy utility. Fewer features doesn't always mean worse.