TP-LINK TL-WR841ND setup

We are often asked to tell you if there are any difficulties in setting up the TL-WR841ND router. And we will tell you right away - no, everything is really very simple, and everyone can figure it out. At least thanks to the help of our site! This router comes with a CD containing the Quick Setup Wizard, which allows you to configure the router, wireless network and its security step by step. This is the easiest way configure your router.

However, if for some reason you cannot use the Setup Wizard, it doesn’t matter, we will tell you everything “on your fingers”, in the same way - step by step.

First, make sure that the router is connected correctly: it must be connected to the network, both antennas must be screwed into the device, the Internet cable “from the entrance” must go into the appropriate connector, and all computers that must receive the Internet via cable on this network.

Before setting up the router, reset it by pressing the Reset button for 10 seconds. After that, in a couple of minutes, we can sit down at the keyboard again.

We will make settings through Control Panel, which can be accessed by network address via any browser. In new device firmware, the network address is, so you need to check both. In the authentication window, fill both fields (login and password) with the word “admin”. Next, you can change this for yourself in the menu System Tools - Password.

TP-LINK TL-WR841ND настройка

Further our path lies in Network. In settings WAN - WAN Connection Type choose the one provided by the provider. If you need to enter parameters such as IP address, subnet mask and DNS servers manually, we do it here.

Immediately after this we move on to the next point - Wireless. In subparagraph Wireless Settings we will be able to configure basic parameters such as:

  • Wireless Network Name (SSID) - the name that we will see in the menu for connecting other devices to the router;
  • Region (Region) - select your country;
  • Channel - by default Auto (automatically), but if you are not satisfied with the quality and speed of communication, it can be changed to any other selection method;
  • Mode - it is better to leave the standard one, it is usually the most universal;
  • Channel Width - leave it as it is, automatically;
  • Max Tx Rate - leave it as standard.

We also leave the remaining items in this menu as is. Press the button as usual "Save"

Next - sub-item Wireless Security.

Here we won’t think for a long time and will immediately install the recommended WPA2.

  • Version - the choice is obvious, WPA2-PSK - that is, WPA2 with a password;
  • Encryption - leave it as it is;
  • PSK Password is the password that we will enter when connecting to the router on other devices.

That's all, save and go again to System Tools. We are looking for a sub-item Reboot press the button of the same name. We wait until the router reboots. This completes the basic setup of the TP-LINK TL-WR841ND router. If you are interested in any other details, please contact us through the comments on the site!
December 21, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 11: 11
    I thought I wouldn’t be able to configure my router. Thank you.