
Калибровка батареи смартфона Android

Android smartphone battery calibration

Android phones are wildly popular these days. This popularity is due to the fact that smartphones with the Android operating system, unlike the iPhone, can be purchased by almost everyone today.
August 27, 2015 2
Решаем ошибку "Iphone отключен подключитесь к iTunes"

Solving the error “Iphone is disabled, connect to iTunes”

Despite their high cost, Apple products are in great demand and popularity today. This especially applies to their phones.
August 26, 2015 3
Создаем рингтон для iPhone с помощью программы iTunes

Create a ringtone for iPhone using iTunes

Every modern person today uses a mobile phone. And perhaps the most popular today are smartphones.
August 23, 2015 3
Расширение Browsec

Browsec extension

On our website we have repeatedly reviewed various extensions for different browsers. Today we will talk about another extension.
August 21, 2015 1
Расширение Zenmate для браузера Яндекс

Zenmate extension for Yandex browser

Which browser is the most popular today? It is difficult to answer this question, since today there are many different browsers.
August 20, 2015 3
8 909 - какой оператор связи?

8 909 - which telecom operator?

Today there are only 3 largest telecom operators in our country, but it is very easy to get confused in the codes of their telephone numbers. This is because each operator has a huge database of telephone numbers.
August 18, 2015 2
8 961 - какой оператор?

8 961 - which operator?

Cellular communications surround us literally everywhere today. A huge number of calls are made every day.
August 14, 2015 1
Как удалить музыку с айфона через ITunes?

How to delete music from iPhone via iTunes?

The iPhone is one of the highest quality smartphones of our time. A huge number of people use this device.
August 13, 2015 1
Какой оператор имеет код 8 905?

Which operator has the code 8 905?

MTS, Beeline and Megafon are the most popular telecom operators in our country. And it is worth noting that these companies operate not only in our country.
August 11, 2015 1
Сохраняем анонимность в интернете с расширением Hola

Maintain anonymity on the Internet with the Hola extension

Google Chrome is one of the most popular modern browsers. This browser is characterized by high speed, a clear user interface and a good range of various functions.
August 05, 2015 6
VPN-расширение ZenMate для браузера Google Chrome

ZenMate VPN extension for Google Chrome browser

Modern browsers have a considerable number of functions and capabilities. But the capabilities of almost any modern browser can be significantly expanded.
August 03, 2015 2
Создаем почтовый ящик на сервисе Яндекс

Create a mailbox on the Yandex service

Almost everyone has email today. With its help, we regularly send each other a wide variety of letters.
August 02, 2015 2
Как убрать фон в документе Microsoft Office Word при копировании текста?

How to remove the background in a Microsoft Office Word document when copying text?

The Microsoft Office Word text editor is used by a huge number of people today. Despite its popularity, it raises many different questions among many users.
August 01, 2015 1
Как удалить китайский антивирус Baidu?

How to remove Chinese Baidu antivirus?

Very often, completely incomprehensible programs are installed on our computers. And such programs are extremely difficult to remove.
January 29, 2015 2
Как в браузере включить плагин Adobe Flash Player?

How to enable the Adobe Flash Player plugin in the browser?

The browser is the main tool through which users “use” various Internet resources. Today there are many different browsers.
January 27, 2015 1
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