
Пронумеровываем страницы в документе Microsoft Office Word, начиная со второй

We number the pages in a Microsoft Office Word document, starting from the second

A huge number of people use text editors. And probably the most popular text editor is Microsoft Office Word.
June 17, 2015 3
Футажи для видеомонтажа

Footage for video editing

People who do video editing work with a wide range of tools. One of these tools is footage.
June 15, 2015 1
Как положить деньги на сим-карту Мегафон с банковской карты?

How to put money on a Megafon SIM card from a bank card?

Today, non-cash payments will not surprise anyone for a long time. Agree that many people pay for various goods and services using this method.
June 13, 2015 2
Решаем ошибку "Удаленный компьютер требует проверки подлинности на уровне сети"

Solving the error "The remote computer requires network level authentication"

Computers today are indispensable assistants. Using them, you can perform a wide variety of tasks.
June 09, 2015 1
Как полностью удалить программу Search Protect с компьютера?

How to completely remove Search Protect from your computer?

Many users are familiar with Internet viruses firsthand. There are a lot of them.
June 04, 2015 1
Плагины NPAPI в браузере Google Chrome

NPAPI plugins in Google Chrome browser

A web browser is a program that allows users to surf the Internet. In particular, using browsers you can communicate on social networks, watch various videos, play online games and do much more.
June 03, 2015 2
Как заблокировать контакт в Whatsapp?

How to block a contact on Whatsapp?

Modern smartphones have many different functions and capabilities. Probably, almost every smartphone today has some kind of messenger installed.
January 30, 2015 5
Программы для программирования

Programming software

Many users know what programming is. This concept refers, first of all, to the process of creating computer programs.
January 23, 2015 1
Как обрезать видео на компьютере?

How to trim a video on a computer?

People who edit various video materials regularly face the fact that many videos need to be trimmed. For users who are new to video trimming, the entire process may seem extremely complicated.
January 16, 2015 2
Как перевернуть видео на компьютере?

How to flip a video on a computer?

Today, almost every person has a good camera, smartphone and other similar things. With the help of modern smartphones and cameras you can shoot very good quality videos.
January 15, 2015 2
Как посмотреть историю на компьютере?

How to view history on a computer?

Today, almost every person has a computer. And very often you are not the only one working on the same home personal computer.
January 14, 2015 2
Как настроить микрофон на наушниках?

How to set up the microphone on headphones?

Almost every user today has a personal computer. And, probably, many computer users have headphones with a microphone.
April 27, 2015 0
Конвертируем видео в формат 3GP

Converting video to 3GP format

Today, video files come in various formats. One of the most common video formats is the MP4 format.
April 27, 2015 4
Избавляемся от вируса Kido с помощью Kaspersky KidoKiller

Getting rid of the Kido virus using Kaspersky KidoKiller

Every user today has a computer with an active Internet connection. In principle, all this brings practically the same benefit.
April 23, 2015 1
Как скачать флеш-плеер в социальную сеть Вконтакте?

How to download a flash player to the VKontakte social network?

Almost every user today is regularly on the Internet. Users who visit the Internet have different purposes for visiting. But, nevertheless, the most common ones can be identified.
April 16, 2015 1
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