
Настройка модема Ростелеком

Setting up a Rostelecom modem

Rostelecom is currently the leader among providers. Their latest promotion, in which the Internet is offered along with television channels, has attracted many users. Most cities in Russia have installed fiber optic cables, speeding up access to the Internet several times. All
January 28, 2015 1
Настраиваем ММS на МТС

Setting up MMS on MTS

MMS is a great way to send multimedia messages. With their help, you can share a photo, a melody and even a video. If you see an amazing thing, send an MMS to your friend, and he or she will definitely appreciate your taste.
January 28, 2015 1
Скачать меню Пуск для Windows 8

Download Start Menu for Windows 8

With the release of Windows 8, the good old Start menu was replaced by the Metro menu. This was not to everyone's taste.
January 28, 2015 1
Как подключиться к общему сетевому диску на другом ПК?

How to connect to a shared network drive on another PC?

Computers are used almost everywhere today. Offices, schools and more - there are computers everywhere.
January 28, 2015 1
Что такое xpcom?

What is xpcom?

Today there are still many questions related to computers, their components and software components. For example, not all users know what XPCOM is.
January 27, 2015 2
Что такое компьютерный вирус и когда он впервые появился?

What is a computer virus and when did it first appear?

Today we will not consider computer viruses in particular. We will look at the definition itself, and also dive into history.
January 27, 2015 3
Как перенести закладки с одного компьютера на другой?

How to transfer bookmarks from one computer to another?

If you have a need to transfer bookmarks of the same browser from one computer to another, this article is for you. By following the instructions, you can easily complete this procedure.
January 27, 2015 3
Компьютер для музыканта

Computer for a musician

Each user configures his workplace in his own way, including his personal computer. What should a computer be like for a user who is interested in music or plays it professionally?
January 26, 2015 2
Как удалить вирус с планшета?

How to remove a virus from a tablet?

Nowadays, viruses invade not only computers, but also portable equipment - smartphones, tablets... how to fight them on “our little brothers” - read on.
January 26, 2015 7
Atikmdag sys

Atikmdag sys

Probably everyone already knows that drivers are an important software component of a computer. They provide interconnection between the operating system and the hardware of other devices included in the computer or connected to it.
January 25, 2015 2
Порядок действий при устранении проблем связанных с совместимостью

Procedure for troubleshooting compatibility issues

We install many different programs on our computer. Basically, after installation, the programs work efficiently and stably. But there are other situations.
January 24, 2015 5
Как исправить ошибку USB Device Over Current Status Detected?

How to fix USB Device Over Current Status Detected error?

Sometimes users turn on the computer and receive the message USB Device Over Current Status Detected, after which the system turns off after 15 seconds. What does this mean, and most importantly, how to get rid of it?
January 22, 2015 2
На новом ноутбуке не заряжается батарея

Battery won't charge on new laptop

Hello, is there a problem? Battery not charging? Is your battery running low? Is the battery not working properly? These problems can be fixed. The article describes most problems with batteries and how to solve them.
January 22, 2015 2
Разборка ноубука Аcer v3

Disassembling Acer v3 laptop

Hello, if you have a question about cleaning your Acer Aspire V3, then this is the place for you. In this article you can familiarize yourself with the methods for safely disassembling a laptop. Each action will be carefully described and duplicated with a picture. I guarantee that disassembling the Acer Aspire V3 laptop will not be a problem for
January 20, 2015 3
Как обновить базы Касперского без интернета?

How to update Kaspersky databases without the Internet?

To ensure that your computer is always protected, a reliable and high-quality antivirus must be installed on it. Today there are quite a lot of different antivirus programs.
January 18, 2015 2
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