
Скачать FoxIt Reader

Download FoxIt Reader

Perhaps, almost every famous program has an analogue, which was created by developers of a lower rank, but in terms of readability and functionality, this program can outperform the “flagship” by many times. It looks like the “flagship” Adobe Reader can now make room for it.
February 08, 2015 1
Неисправности материнской платы

Motherboard problems

Often the cause of computer problems is not individual parts of the system unit, but the motherboard. What difficulties can this board create - read on.
February 08, 2015 1
Почему Андроид быстро разряжается?

Why does Android discharge quickly?

Google's operating system is often joked about about its autonomy. Even taking into account that now the situation has become much better and is closer to ideal on many models of popular companies, some phones on Android OS are still not pleasing with their autonomy.
February 07, 2015 1
Как вернуть экран в исходное положение?

How to return the screen to its original position?

By pressing some buttons, you can get completely different results than expected. Exactly the same philosophy can be followed when adjusting the screen.
February 06, 2015 1
Как сбросить BIOS на ноутбуке на заводские настройки?

How to reset the BIOS on a laptop to factory settings?

Sometimes, by tinkering with the BIOS settings, we only make things worse for the computer, depriving it of the ability to function normally. Even reinstalling the system will not help - you need to reset the BIOS.
February 06, 2015 1
Какую фирму ноутбука выбрать?

Which laptop brand should you choose?

Each of us buys something during our lives. We buy a lot of electronics throughout our lives.
February 06, 2015 5
Как пройти идентификацию в электронной платежной системе Яндекс.Деньги?

How to identify yourself in the Yandex.Money electronic payment system?

Today we can make various purchases and make payments without leaving home. All this can be done using electronic payment systems.
February 05, 2015 2
Как вернуть заводские настройки на Samsung Galaxy S5?

How to restore factory settings on Samsung Galaxy S5?

Just like on a computer, any phone has the most basic add-on - the factory one. It is with factory settings that you take your phone out of the box you bought in the store.
February 05, 2015 1
Как выбрать подставку для ноутбука с охлаждением

How to choose a laptop stand with cooling

Today, in the age of powerful systems, cooling a computer is one of the primary tasks in the system. Laptops, while also quite powerful, also need decent cooling.
February 05, 2015 1
Как покупать ноутбук с рук?

How to buy a laptop second-hand?

Your financial situation does not always allow you to buy new devices directly from the store. The currently popular “used goods” market comes to the rescue.
February 04, 2015 1
Как оплатить WOW через вебмани?

How to pay for WOW via WebMoney?

Today there are many different games. Online games are the most popular today.
February 04, 2015 1
Как очистить компьютер от рекламы?

How to clean your computer from ads?

Advertising from television has long moved to the Internet. In browsers, some kind of left-handed windows almost constantly pop up, and incomprehensible advertisements are played.
February 04, 2015 1
Ошибка 601 на ноутбуке HP

Error 601 on HP laptop

Laptops, like other equipment, are quite prone to break down. Even laptops from such renowned companies as HP do not have protection against all kinds of hardware and software failures.
February 03, 2015 1
Сбиваются часы на компьютере

The clock on the computer goes wrong

Modern computers are powerful computing machines capable of performing a huge number of operations per second. Probably, many of us cannot imagine our life without a computer.
February 03, 2015 1
Как проверить материнскую плату на работоспособность?

How to check the motherboard for functionality?

Sometimes PC users need to check the motherboard for functionality. But how to do this? Read about it in this article.
February 02, 2015 4
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