Как удалить браузер Амиго?

How to remove Amigo browser?

We reviewed many different browsers on our website. And among them was the Amigo browser.
June 06, 2015 2
Как полностью удалить программу Search Protect с компьютера?

How to completely remove Search Protect from your computer?

Many users are familiar with Internet viruses firsthand. There are a lot of them.
June 04, 2015 1
Плагины NPAPI в браузере Google Chrome

NPAPI plugins in Google Chrome browser

A web browser is a program that allows users to surf the Internet. In particular, using browsers you can communicate on social networks, watch various videos, play online games and do much more.
June 03, 2015 2
Аналоги программы Фотошоп в режиме онлайн

Analogues of the Photoshop program online

There are many different editors for processing photographs. There are extremely simple editors and programs for photo processing, and there are very powerful programs designed for almost professional photo processing.
June 02, 2015 1
Караоке в режиме онлайн

Karaoke online

Today there are a huge variety of different programs. And it is worth noting that some programs do not need to be downloaded and installed on your computer, since their functionality is presented on Internet pages.
June 01, 2015 3
Обмениваемся мгновенными сообщениями с программой WhatsApp

Exchange instant messages with WhatsApp

Today we live in the world of information technology. Agree that each of us has at least a smartphone and a computer.
January 31, 2015 3
Как заблокировать контакт в Whatsapp?

How to block a contact on Whatsapp?

Modern smartphones have many different functions and capabilities. Probably, almost every smartphone today has some kind of messenger installed.
January 30, 2015 5
Настраиваем гитару онлайн

Tuning a guitar online

If you own a guitar, then you probably know that it needs to be tuned from time to time. Many guitarists tune their guitars using special devices called tuners.
January 29, 2015 3
Тестируем скорость своего интернет-соединения, используя сервис Speedtest

Testing the speed of your Internet connection using the Speedtest service

Computers have long been commonplace. And today almost every PC has the Internet.
January 28, 2015 1
Гаджет часы для Windows 7

Gadget clock for Windows 7

Modern computers have almost everything. Every person, having a computer, will be able to do what he likes.
January 27, 2015 2
Как удалить антивирус AVG 2015 с компьютера?

How to remove AVG 2015 antivirus from your computer?

We all know very well that a computer needs high-quality protection. And antivirus programs provide him with such protection.
January 26, 2015 2
Программа-напоминалка на компьютер

Reminder program for computer

Agree that each of us has a lot of things planned for the day, for the week, for the month. And not everyone is able to clearly remember all their plans and plans.
January 25, 2015 1
Ежедневник для компьютера

Diary for computer

Probably many of us have a special notebook or diary. We write down our plans in the same diary so that we don’t forget them in the future.
January 24, 2015 2
Программы для программирования

Programming software

Many users know what programming is. This concept refers, first of all, to the process of creating computer programs.
January 23, 2015 1
Восстанавливаем удаленные фотографии программой Wise Data Recovery

Recovering deleted photos with Wise Data Recovery

Every user handles some amount of information every day. This can be programs, music, photographs, and much more.
January 22, 2015 2
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