Disable Windows 7 Preview

Отключить предпросмотр Windows 7

Previews in Windows 7 are a kind of “mini-cards” that appear when you hover over the shortcut of a running program in the lower system tray (“tray”). Of course, it’s beautiful, of course, it’s convenient, and just as certainly, it consumes a lot of resources. Do weak systems need it? The answer is obvious. Let's try to deal with this decoration for the sake of productivity in installed Windows 7 OS! The easiest way to do this is through the system properties.

So, right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut and go to its “Properties”.

A window with system data appears. On the left side there is “Advanced system settings” - click on them.

Select the "Advanced" tab, then go to "Settings" in the "Performance" section.

Here we need one single item from which we uncheck - “Enable desktop composition”. We confirm the changes, close all related menus and, if necessary, reboot the computer. Well, after saving all the changes, we got a slightly faster thinking computer with preview disabled. Good luck with your further setup, we hope our site will help you in this difficult task!
January 12, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 14: 31
    I completely agree that this function eats up a lot of resources.