А что такое ip адрес?

What is an IP address?

The average Internet user encounters these addresses every day. In part, operating systems are made in such a way as to minimize user participation in setting up a network or Internet, so they are created automatically. However, sometimes, for one reason or another, we sometimes
November 10, 2014 2
Как включить Bluetooth на ноутбуке?

How to enable Bluetooth on a laptop?

Many modern laptops are equipped with such a function as Bluetooth. This is a great way to transfer files to a connected device from a laptop or vice versa without using wires. But not all users know how to turn on Bluetooth on a laptop. And it's very easy to do. Want to know how?
November 09, 2014 0
Конвертер word в pdf

Word to pdf converter

It's no secret that today there are a huge number of different programs. Some programs can be downloaded, and some can be used online. So, in order to convert files from one format to another, there are special programs.
November 08, 2014 1
Как на билайне узнать свой номер

How to find out your number on Beeline

Probably, most of us have encountered the fact that when buying a new SIM card, you do not know how to find out your SIM card number. This problem affects all telecom operators. And Beeline SIM cards are no exception.
November 08, 2014 1
Онлайн-переводчик с белорусского на русский

Online translator from Belarusian to Russian

Today, in order to translate any text from one language to another, you can use free online translators. So, in order to translate a Belarusian text into Russian, you do not need to have perfect knowledge of the language.
November 08, 2014 0
Bluestacks скачать бесплатно

Bluestacks download free

Many people today use modern phones. And a huge number of people use smartphones that run on the Android operating system. This system allows users to use various applications and also play a variety of games.
November 08, 2014 4
Онлайн-переводчик с немецкого на русский бесплатно

Online translator from German to Russian for free

Today, many of us take advantage of the opportunities and services of free online services. Thus, various online translators are very popular.
November 08, 2014 1
Причины возникновения и способы решения ошибки 500

Causes and solutions to error 500

An experienced user or website owner may encounter a 500 error in their Internet activities. This is a fairly common error, and it occurs in any browser in a number of cases. In this article we will try to determine the causes of its occurrence and eliminate them.
November 08, 2014 2
Как отключить GOOD'OK на МТС?

How to disable GOOD'OK on MTS?

The GOOD'OK service, which is provided by the mobile operator MTS, changes the standard beeps when calling a subscriber to a melody. Accordingly, the melody that you selected will be heard by all people calling you instead of the usual beeps. If there is no need to use this service or
November 07, 2014 2
Онлайн-переводчик с казахского на русский

Online translator from Kazakh to Russian

Agree that it is impossible to know all the languages ​​of the world. But at any moment some of them may be useful to us. So, imagine that you urgently needed to translate some text from Russian into Kazakh. What to do? After all, if you learn this language completely, then all this can take a lot
November 07, 2014 4
А что такое URL?

What is a URL?

In English, the abbreviation URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. If we translate this into Russian, we get something like a “unified resource locator”. Popularly, this abbreviation is most often pronounced as “yu-ar-el” or “u-er-el”, or even “url”. Well, let's try
November 07, 2014 1
Быстрая регистрация в Twitter

Quick registration on Twitter

What could be simpler than registering on the popular social network Twitter?! However, those few who still have difficulties with registration will find detailed instructions in this article.
November 06, 2014 5
Создаем учетную запись в «Мой Мир»

Create an account in “My World”

It just so happened in the company that there is no separate registration for the social network. This is not surprising, because has a countless number of successful projects, and it is unlikely that users would like to register a new one each time.
November 05, 2014 2
Покори английский язык с LinguaLeo

Conquer the English language with LinguaLeo

One of the most interesting and easiest ways to learn English is the LinguaLeo resource. This is an amazing platform that will definitely interest not only the younger generation, but older people. More than 10 million people have already become participants, so what are you waiting for -
November 03, 2014 3
Как сделать визитку в ворде

How to make a business card in Word

One day the time comes when you have to make some kind of business card for your project, company or other enterprise. Or they simply give you the task of making a business card. Of course, not everyone knows how to do this. You have to turn to people who know how to work with a text editor in the Microsoft Office package,
November 02, 2014 2
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