Cфоткаться на веб-камеру

Take a photo with your webcam

Using a webcam, you can not only talk on Skype, but also take wonderful photos. To do this, just use one of the online services on the Internet or a standard Windows program.
09th September, 2014 1
Избавляемся от рекламы в Яндекс Браузере

Getting rid of advertising in Yandex Browser

In the last year or two, a huge amount of advertising has leaked onto the Internet. It is present when loading a social networking site, email, in an online store and on official developer pages. It is aggressive in appearance and has various incarnations: animated windows, audio messages,
08th September, 2014 1
Программы-видеоконвертеры на русском языке

Video converter programs in Russian

Do you want to upload videos and movies to your smartphone so you don’t get bored on the road, or vice versa – transfer a video to your computer from your phone, but it doesn’t play because it’s an unknown format? You need a special video converter program. It will quickly change the data format while maintaining video quality and
07th September, 2014 1
Убираем всю рекламу в Mozilla FireFox

Remove all advertising in Mozilla FireFox

Advertising on websites can be compared to a woman: she loves everything bright, shiny, wants to be noticed, and is always the center of attention. But we open the Mozilla FireFox browser not to find out about new advertising, but for useful information to use the online service
06th September, 2014 1
Скачать ArtMoney PRO бесплатно

Download ArtMoney PRO for free

ArtMoney PRO - was created to hack databases and change the numerical values ​​of ammunition, money, and lives of the player. Thus, the player independently distributes resources and creates his own game conditions.
04th September, 2014 1
Онлайн фоторедактор piZap

Online photo editor piZap

We continue to get acquainted with online photo processing services. This time we bring to your attention the resource Pizap, which identifies itself as an online photoshop. We will look further at what it looks like and what it can do.
03th September, 2014 1
Настраиваем MMS на Билайне

Setting up MMS on Beeline

Modern people cannot live without gadgets. And this is quite understandable, because with their help we communicate, congratulate each other on holidays, share the latest events and make work calls. In addition to calls, we send simple SMS and messages with pictures and music. How to set it up yourself
01th September, 2014 0
Отключаем Фаервол

Disable Firewall

The OS has built-in protection against network attacks from viruses and malware. This is a firewall, or as it is also called, a firewall. The need for such a security element is obvious, but in some situations it should be disabled for a while. Let's look at how to do this below.
August 31, 2014 1
Настраиваем услугу MMS Мегафон на вашем телефоне

Setting up the Megafon MMS service on your phone

For many, MMS is an echo of the past, because sharing photos is much more convenient using the Internet. In a few clicks, the image is published online, sent by email, or appears on the main page of a social network. But what to do if your recipient is out of range
August 30, 2014 4
Несколько способов разблокирования SIM-карты Tele2

Several ways to unlock a Tele2 SIM card

SIM card blocking is an unpleasant event for the user, since it is not possible to make calls or send SMS. To restore the card to standard operation, you will need to use one of the available methods to unlock it. Let's talk about them further.
August 29, 2014 3
Как сделать папки невидимыми в Windows 7

How to make folders invisible in Windows 7

In many families, access to a personal computer is free, which means that any of its members can accidentally stumble upon a secret folder with videos or photos. To prevent this from happening, we make this folder invisible.
August 28, 2014 2
Развлекательный онлайн-сервис Picachoo

Online entertainment service Picachoo

Pikachu is an online service for creating photos and animations using your webcam. In addition, here you can chat and view the latest photos of other users. Agree, a tempting prospect. Let's take a closer look at the service.
August 24, 2014 2
Защищаем компьютер от перегрева с помощью Speedfan

Protecting your computer from overheating with Speedfan

For a computer to work properly and for a long time, it needs adequate cooling. Fans are provided for this, but they do not always cope with the task. For example, in the summer or when the computer is dusty. How to track the temperature inside a computer case and prevent it from
August 22, 2014 2
«Обещанный платеж» Ростелеком

"Promised payment" Rostelecom

Recently, Rostelecom has been able to expand significantly and many want to learn about all the capabilities of this provider. Moreover, there are nice bonuses that you can use in your personal account. In this article we will look at the “Promised Payment” service.
August 21, 2014 1
Как на ноутбуке отключить тачпад

How to disable the touchpad on a laptop

The touchpad is an integral part of the control of a laptop. It successfully replaces the usual mouse and significantly saves the overall dimensions of the device. But it is not always convenient to use. For example, when starting a game or working in a program, you must use the mouse, which means you should turn off
August 20, 2014 1
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