Как выбрать зарядное устройство для телефона?

How to choose a phone charger?

Tablets, smartphones and other portable equipment are in most cases designed to operate autonomously. The same phones have batteries of various capacities, which are first charged, and then the already charged phones are used.
10th September, 2021 4
Как правильно выбрать чернила для принтера?

How to choose the right printer ink?

The printer allows you to obtain not only high-quality printing of text documents, but also images. To ensure that the final result does not disappoint, it is necessary to choose the right consumables, including ink.
02th September, 2021 6
Рейтинг бесплатных программ для просмотра фото

Rating of free photo viewing programs

For comfortable viewing of photos, many programs have been developed, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. We offer a short rating of free utilities designed for viewing photos and graphic files.
August 23, 2021 5
Как можно оптимизировать MIUI 12: несколько советов

How to optimize MIUI 12: some tips

Xiaomi phones today are in demand by a wide variety of users more than ever. And the Chinese manufacturer is trying to keep up with the times, constantly updating its lineup and adding new features to smartphones.
August 20, 2021 6
Актуальны ли в 2021 году старые гибридные процессоры AMD?

Are old AMD APUs still relevant in 2021?

In 2006, Advanced Micro Devices (or AMD for short) bought graphics chip developer ATI Technologies. Three years later, first in the mobile segment (laptops), and then in the “desktop” segment, the production of so-called hybrid processors from AMD started...
August 12, 2021 8
Популярные бесплатные игры

Popular free games

Games are a great way to occupy a free evening or weekend. Many exciting and high-profile projects are waiting for your attention. Look here for descriptions of some of the popular ones, maybe something will interest you.
August 02, 2021 6
Сводная таблица в Google Spreadsheet

Pivot table in Google Spreadsheet

Pivot tables in Google Spreadsheet allow you to quickly and conveniently create visual and multifunctional reports from raw data. In such reports, data from the source table is combined into a single form according to certain specified rules.
January 23, 2021 6
Основные задачи email рассылки

Main tasks of email newsletters

What is the best way to notify a client about what promotions are taking place in an online store or other company? How to tell the client only what will be interesting to him? Personalized email newsletters help solve such problems.
January 19, 2021 5
Программное обеспечение для управления задачами

Task management software

Implementing task management software into any business requires a period of adaptation and development as it is first tested, learned, and tweaked to best suit your team's needs.
January 17, 2021 5
Правильный стрим

Correct stream

What is the formula for a successful stream? What predominates in it - luck or calculation? How to build a development strategy correctly so that it ultimately leads you to where everyone strives - to unconditional success?
June 15, 2021 6
Мобильные офферы в CPA

Mobile offers in CPA

This publication is dedicated to the most current trend of recent years - the mobile segment in the performance marketing market. Mobile traffic is growing daily and now there is no point in staying away from the development of the online advertising industry.
June 14, 2021 4
Прощание с Adobe Flash Player

Farewell to Adobe Flash Player

The era of Adobe Flash technology is over. Almost without alternative, from 1996 to 2020, the Internet was ruled by interactive web animation controlled by the Adobe player. For better or worse, we lived with this for almost a quarter of a century. And, now, it's all over. What happened and what to do next?
June 06, 2021 4
Нативная реклама в вашей маркетинговой кампании

Native advertising in your marketing campaign

What have you heard about native advertising? What is it like? How can it be used? What advantages does it have over other types of advertising? All this is in our article.
June 05, 2021 4
Instagram и его скрытые возможности

Instagram and its hidden features

Instagram remains one of the leading platforms among social networks not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Working and building a business, finding followers and sharing creativity - all this is quite possible on this network.
June 04, 2021 5
ТОП 5 программ видеомонтажа на Андроиде.

TOP 5 video editing programs for Android.

How to make a cool video on a smartphone? Many people are interested in the ability to edit captured videos directly on their mobile device...
June 03, 2021 9
1 ... 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 ... 189