Как скачивать видео с YouTube

How to download videos from YouTube

Quite often there is a need to save this or that video/audio found on YouTube on your computer. In this short review we will tell you how to download something for free from YouTube.
January 27, 2021 7
Portable или Installer

Portable or Installer

While downloading various programs, you probably noticed that developers often offer several versions of installers. And some of their names contain the word Portable. What does this mean?
November 27, 2020 5
Браузеры для Windows 2020

Browsers for Windows 2020

The web browser is the door to a vast information space. And, probably, it is wrong to use a “door” that creaks, jams and, finally, the appearance of which is not at all pleasing to the eye. Read this article. Perhaps she will help you in choosing.
November 23, 2020 14
Подключаем второй жесткий диск к компьютеру

Connecting a second hard drive to the computer

Computer owners sometimes encounter such a problem as lack of memory on the main disk. In such cases, the installation of another hard drive is required. In this article we will learn how to install it correctly, what actions need to be performed and what tools will be needed for this.
December 27, 2018 7
Как улучшить производительность компьютера на Windows 10

How to improve computer performance on Windows 10

Owners of Windows computers have been wondering how to speed up the operating system since the days of the XP version. With the release of the “ten” nothing has changed. People need speed. It is possible to slightly speed up a Windows PC using software, and some special knowledge for
20th September, 2018 4
Скачиваем драйвера для принтера HP LaserJet 1020

Download drivers for the HP LaserJet 1020 printer

Most users have a printer at home for printing essays, coursework, or just personal documents. Most often, this is outdated equipment, for stable operation of which you need to install the correct drivers. Where they can be found and downloaded will be discussed below. As
17th September, 2018 4
Как поменять процессор на компьютере

How to change the processor on a computer

Sooner or later, every personal computer owner is faced with a lack of computing power. Whether it’s a long time to open programs, problems when working with them, or the eternal state of the window - “Not responding”. This problem can often be resolved by replacing major system components, such as
16th September, 2018 9
Онлайн-сервисы для обрезки видео

Online services for video trimming

Situations often arise when you need to trim a particular video. For example, when some part of the film seemed very useful and interesting, or the amateur recording at the beginning was of poor quality.
15th September, 2018 8
Как зарегистрироваться в Одноклассниках

How to register in Odnoklassniki

Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular articles. But many inexperienced users do not know how to register in it. This process is not very complicated and will not take much time.
10th September, 2018 7
Раскручиваем группу ВКонтакте

Promoting the VKontakte group

Anyone can create a group on the social network VKontakte, but not everyone can complete the task and promote it, because this takes quite a lot of time and effort, as well as money. If you promote the community correctly, then you can make money from it, that is, the investment will pay off, but for this
02th September, 2018 5
Почему BIOS видит жесткий диск, а Windows(ПК) - нет

Why does BIOS see the hard drive, but Windows (PC) does not?

The problem with the operating system detecting a hard drive in most cases occurs after connecting a new HDD to the computer. This is due to the fact that the device is not initially formatted, and this prevents Windows from seeing the partitions of such a device. Moreover, if the drive
August 27, 2018 9
Форматирование флешки через командную строку

Formatting a flash drive via the command line

Almost all users have to deal with the command line, sooner or later. Firstly, because all modern versions of Windows are, in fact, graphical shells of the good old disk OS and operations carried out in DOS mode (via the command line) will proceed in any case
August 02, 2018 4
Онлайн-таймеры со звуком

Online timers with sound

Modern computers are becoming more multifunctional every year, but they are losing such simple tools as a timer. The Internet helps solve this problem by providing many online timers with a simple interface and the necessary functionality.
January 22, 2018 5
Какой программой открыть файл PDF

Which program to open a PDF file

Almost every user constantly works with various electronic documents and illustrations. To quickly move files between devices, many people use the PDF format. To read the extension on your device, you need to install a special program.
January 18, 2018 4
Как убрать дату с фотографии на компьютере

How to remove the date from a photo on your computer

Many digital cameras and camera apps that come pre-installed on smartphones leave a date stamp on photos. On the one hand, this is very convenient, since you can find out the time the snapshot was taken without looking at its properties, but on the other hand, this text may be unnecessary for a particular user, because
January 08, 2018 6
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