Как конвертировать PDF в XLS

How to Convert PDF to XLS

PDF is one of the most popular formats. The disadvantage of the format is the inconvenience of working with data. Many users want to convert a file from PDF to xls, but do not know how to do it. In this article we will look at this issue in detail.
15 March, 2018 5
Как разблокировать планшет, если забыл пароль

How to unlock your tablet if you forgot your password

Tablets on platforms such as IOS, Android, Windows Mobile can be further protected by locking them with a password code, pin, or pattern key. Some models - of course the newest and not the cheapest - have a fingerprint scanner. But, as always happens, the password, like any
01 March, 2018 3
Как создать точку восстановления в Windows 8

How to restore Windows 8

Every user - both experienced and not so experienced - could encounter a situation when a computer, or rather its system, began to severely malfunction. This is a big problem and therefore needs to be fixed.
01 March, 2018 4
Как сделать скриншот на планшете

How to take a screenshot on a tablet

Typically, a screenshot can be taken in two different ways: using a keyboard shortcut or by clicking on a specific icon that appears when you go to settings.
01 March, 2018 2
Как скачать видео с YouTube на планшет

How to download YouTube videos to tablet

Of course, you can simply add any video you like to your playlist so you can watch it at any time. But sometimes a situation arises when there is no Internet access at hand, in which case the video you like can be downloaded to your tablet in advance.
February 28, 2018 3
Как сделать загрузочную флешку с Windows 8

How to make a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 8

This version of Windows OS is the most common. In this regard, users often have a question about how to record the system on third-party media.
February 22, 2018 2
Как разбить жесткий диск на разделы

How to partition a hard drive

The ability to divide your hard drive into partitions allows you to use directories much more conveniently, since you can separate OS files from common documents.
February 19, 2018 3
Как поставить таймер выключения компьютера Windows 8

How to set a computer shutdown timer in Windows 8

Many Windows users don't realize that they have the ability to automatically set a time to turn off their computer. The timer can be set using special software or using the tools of the system itself. Let's look at each of the options.
February 18, 2018 2
Отключение спящего режима в Windows 8

Otklyuchenie spyashchego mode v Windows 8

This version is almost no different in functionality from Windows 7; only the interface is different - Metro UL. The system provides several convenient and functional options: we will consider them.
February 16, 2018 3
3 способа открыть Диспетчер задач в Windows 8

3 Ways to Open Task Manager in Windows 8

The Windows 8 system is new and very “smart” in everything. Along with the system, some standard programs were also redesigned, including the “Task Manager”, which became more practical and accessible.
February 16, 2018 3
Обновление драйверов видеокарты

Updating video card drivers

In order for your PC to work well, you need to correctly select software for it, briefly called drivers, for almost all of its components: motherboard, graphics adapter, controller.
February 16, 2018 4
Смена пользователя Windows 8

Changing Windows 8 user

Not everyone can afford the number of devices equal to all family members. This is where different accounts come to the rescue: dividing various data, programs and, of course, too personal information.
February 16, 2018 4
Разгон видеокарты NVIDIA GeForce

Overclocking an NVIDIA GeForce video card

Technology develops from year to year: new computer models are released, the most interesting games are released, but... that’s not the problem - the computer’s video adapter, unfortunately, tends to become outdated. What to do? Buying a new computer is an option; or you can overclock your graphics adapter
February 16, 2018 2
Конвертация MP3 в WMA

Convert MP3 to WMA

Sometimes there is a need to convert a well-known MP3 file into a slightly more compact Windows-based WMA format.
February 03, 2018 3
Наблюдение за температурой видеокарты

Monitoring the temperature of the video card

One of the most important indicators is the temperature of the video card - it must be monitored regularly and systematically. If you are lazy and have never checked the video card, then you will receive and sign: here it is, the long-awaited overheating of the graphics chip, which is located in an expensive and
February 03, 2018 4
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