Unidentified network without Internet access

Don't despair - this problem is easily solved. You just have to follow our instructions, and you will be able to force the network to be recognized and gain access to the Internet! First, let’s find out what causes this phenomenon.

Typically the problem occurs when reinstalling the operating system. And the question immediately arises - perhaps the problem is in the drivers?

Yes, perhaps they are the problem. There is a possibility that the solution lies in installing them, so we find out our Ethernet adapter on the motherboard (if the network card is separate, we find out its model), and somehow transfer the driver installer to the problem computer. It will be better if you prepare drivers before reinstalling the OS, just in case.

If you are sure that the drivers are in order, then another problem may arise - MAC address binding. This happens in cases where the Internet provider sets the network to a certain configuration, and therefore any change (whether to the motherboard, network card or OS) may cause the network to respond negatively. Everything here is quite simple - we find out the technical support number of the provider and ask to reconnect your computer (despite the fact that many advise deceiving the support - they say, “we didn’t do anything ourselves, everything broke on its own, please fix it” - we still recommend telling the truth: It will be much easier for the provider’s technical support to work with your problem if you accurately indicate the possible reason for resetting the binding).

If your provider uses certain data that must be entered when connecting (i.e. the provider does not have the ability to obtain an IP address, subnet mask and other data automatically) - we do so. Let's go to "Network and Sharing Center", which we access through the Control Panel. Click on your connection and press the “Properties” button. We find “Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4), select it and also click on “Properties”. Once in the protocol properties menu, we see many fields that need to be filled in as required by the provider. After confirming the input by pressing the buttons " OK" in all menus, the Internet should contact the computer. We hope that this article helped you completely, and now your Internet works fine. Otherwise, feel free to reach out in the comments so we can help you! Good luck!
December 22, 2014 2
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 11: 18
    Reinstalling the drivers helped me with this problem.