
Как подключить компьютер к компьютеру?

How to connect a computer to a computer?

Today, many people are interested in the question, “How to connect a computer to a computer?” Some will probably ask why this is. Goals can be completely different. In other words, it could be a common interest, or a systemic issue. You can install the system using a third-party computer
November 30, 2014 2
Скачать Adobe Flash Player ActiveX бесплатно

Download Adobe Flash Player ActiveX for free

ActiveX – A framework for defining usable software components from programs written in different programming languages. Software can be assembled from one or several similar components in order to use their functionality.
November 30, 2014 1
Как изменить имя Вконтакте

How to change your VKontakte name

Today, the social network Vkontakte is quite popular. Every day, new people, photographs, videos, audio recordings, communities, and so on are registered in VKontakte. For a long time now, the majority of users of the World Wide Web have been using social networks to communicate with
November 30, 2014 1
Как найти телефон по IMEI

How to find a phone by IMEI

Most people who use mobile devices have lost their phone or smartphone more than once. And it’s not always possible to find it on your own. A fairly easy way to find a lost phone is to search by IMEI. Of course, not everyone knows about this method, that’s why it was
November 30, 2014 44
Не отвечает dns сервер

DNS server is not responding

DNS is a domain name system. You can also say that it is a computer distributed system that provides information about domains.
November 29, 2014 5
Чем смартфон отличается от айфона

How is a smartphone different from an iPhone?

Today, almost all of us use smartphones and tablets. Well, those who don’t use them yet are eager to buy them.
November 29, 2014 4
Эквалайзер для Windows 7 скачать

Equalizer for Windows 7 download

Agree that many of us love to listen to music on our computers or laptops. And, probably, high-quality computer sound is important for each of us. But the sound quality of a computer does not always please us.
November 29, 2014 1
Как отправить маячок с МТС

How to send a beacon from MTS

Mobile operator MTS today is one of the most popular operators in our country. MTS provides its customers with many different functions, capabilities and beneficial services.
November 29, 2014 1
Какой планшет лучше выбрать

Which tablet is better to choose?

Today, many of us have and actively use tablet computers. This is a very convenient electronic product. A tablet computer can be placed between a phone and a netbook.
November 29, 2014 1
Как почистить реестр

How to clean the registry

The operating system registry is a repository of almost all information about installed programs in a given operating system, computer configuration, operating system settings, and more. Over time, the registry becomes clogged and needs to be cleaned regularly, but this should be done carefully, otherwise
November 29, 2014 1
Как наложить музыку на видео

How to put music on a video

Surely each of us has seen amateur videos on the Internet. Most of these videos consist of amateur videos and music superimposed on such videos.
November 29, 2014 1
Как узнать на мтс какие услуги подключены

How to find out what services are connected to MTS

One of the most popular cellular operators in our country can rightfully be called the MTS operator. A huge number of people use the services of this operator.
November 29, 2014 1
Не работает клавиатура на ноутбуке - что делать?

The keyboard on the laptop does not work - what to do?

Today, probably everyone has a personal computer at home. Recently, a huge number of users prefer laptops. After all, it is understandable: modern laptops have the same parameters as desktop computers, but unlike them they are much more mobile.
November 29, 2014 1
Как создать канал на ютубе

How to create a channel on YouTube

Probably each of us has used the YouTube service at least once. Well, anyone who hasn’t used it has probably heard of it. Today this service is the most popular video hosting in the world. Take, for example, the size of its audience - billions of users from all over the world.
November 29, 2014 2
Чем можно открыть файл расширения PSD

How to open a PSD file extension

The PSD extension is nothing more than a full-length format for storing images and photographs of the famous Adobe Photoshop program. In this format, compression occurs without losses, there is also text, transparency, tablet colors, color spaces and a number of other settings that are so replete with
November 28, 2014 1
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