
Заменяем старый пароль Windows на новый

Replace the old Windows password with a new one

On Windows family of systems, users use a password to log in to the system. According to the advice of Microsoft itself, if possible, we should change the password regularly. Moreover, the more secure the password, the greater the chance that no one except you can read the personal data on your computer.
November 26, 2014 1
Что такое смартфон?

What is a smartphone?

Today, there are quite a lot of people using smartphones, but most of them do not even know what a smartphone is and how it differs from a regular phone. This question is quite popular among all users of certain communicators. In this article we
November 25, 2014 6
Источник бесперебойного питания для компьютера

Uninterruptible power supply for computer

A person who is involved in building an Internet business understands perfectly the value of an uninterruptible power supply for a computer. This article will address the most concerning issue for freelancers, namely, sudden power outages.
November 25, 2014 1
Более чем 10 способов открытия файла с разрешением .epub

More than 10 ways to open an .epub file

ePub is a specialized e-book format that is becoming increasingly popular over time. The largest online stores distribute their books in this format. However, standard operating system tools, including mobile systems, cannot cope with the format
November 25, 2014 2
Как научиться быстрой печати на клавиатуре

How to learn fast typing on the keyboard

Just a few years ago, computers began to appear en masse in every home. And today, users are looking for all sorts of ways to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard. To learn more about the touch typing method, read this article.
November 24, 2014 4
Система AutoCAD. Что это такое и на что она способна

AutoCAD system. What is it and what is it capable of?

AutoCAD is a very well-known design environment, and not only for specialists. The system has been heard by many for more than 20 years. However, not many have had the opportunity to try this product and therefore have no idea, or little idea, what such a popular program is even intended for. This
November 24, 2014 1
Как самому создать сайт

How to create a website yourself

The time comes when an ordinary Internet user wonders about creating a website. There are quite a lot of reasons for this decision. Starting from ordinary interest to a commercial goal. But it’s not always possible to create a unique website with your own hands, which will have no analogues. Especially if in
November 23, 2014 4
Перевод денежных средств с Билайна на Билайн

Transfer of funds from Beeline to Beeline

It often happens that your phone runs out of money and there is nowhere to top up your balance. What if you need to make a very important call? This doesn’t matter if you have Beeline and have friends who use the services of the same cellular operator. Now there is no need to run to the nearest terminal
November 23, 2014 1
Как увеличить файл подкачки?

How to increase the page file?

Many Windows OS users often encounter a situation where the computer's RAM becomes insufficient to run a large number of programs. This problem is already provided in the operating system, so when the RAM runs out, the system transfers the last
November 19, 2014 1
Восстановление забытого номера Билайн

Recovering a forgotten Beeline number

Let's imagine a situation: you went to the machine to deposit funds on your phone, but there is a small problem, namely, you forgot your phone number or even just the last couple of digits, what should you do? How to find out your Beeline phone number. Everything is quite simple. There are many ways to
November 19, 2014 4
Всплывающие окна. Как их заблокировать?

Popup windows. How to block them?

Advertising is the main and only source of income for many sites. Unfortunately, often the owners of these sites fail to place advertisements correctly, as a result of which users are faced with pop-up windows directing them to various sites. How to get rid of this trouble?
November 17, 2014 2
Файлы расширения .doc. Чем открыть?

Files with .doc extension. How to open it?

Absolutely every user of a Windows operating system, if not every day, then very often encounters .doc files and probably has an idea of ​​what these files are and how to open them. However, users of other operating systems, for example, LINUX or MAC OS, may not be aware of this extension.
November 17, 2014 1
Из-за чего не загружается Windows 7

Why Windows 7 won't boot

Users of personal computers often wonder why the Windows 7 operating system does not start for them. And this despite the fact that very often problems with starting the system do not contain complete information about the error. And figure out for yourself what happens very
November 17, 2014 4
Несколько способов удаления своей страницы ВКонткте

Several ways to delete your VKontkte page

Do you need to delete your VKontakte page? No problem! This can be done very quickly. Moreover, the page can also be restored in the future. This article will clearly show you what and how in this matter.
November 17, 2014 1
Как отключить услугу на мегафоне

How to disable the service on a megaphone

Today, each of us communicates with friends, relatives, acquaintances, and colleagues using phones. And each of us uses a SIM card for this, which can be different.
November 16, 2014 1
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