Яндекс.Браузер не воспроизводит видео: причины неполадки и способы решения

Yandex.Browser does not play video: causes of the problem and solutions

Video not working in Yandex Browser is an unpleasant problem. Fortunately, it won't be difficult to solve.
November 09, 2017 8
Как заблокировать рекламу на ОС Android

How to block ads on Android OS

Today, advertising can be successfully removed both on computers and Android devices. To do this, you just need to install a special tool.
November 04, 2017 2
Как восстановить переписку в Viber

How to restore correspondence in Viber

Viber is a popular instant messenger where users communicate in a variety of ways every day. Over time, chatting in Viber can accumulate a decent amount of correspondence, which may need to be restored if the application is accidentally deleted or reinstalled.
November 01, 2017 3
Как установить старую версию Яндекс.Браузера

How to install an old version of Yandex Browser

All browsers are updated regularly. If the latest Yandex Browser updates are not to your liking, you have the opportunity to return it to the old version.
October 29, 2017 10
Лучшие программы для скачивания игр на компьютер

The best programs for downloading games to your computer

Computer games are one of the most popular types of entertainment, which is popular among both the younger generation and mature adults. If a few years ago we stood at the counters for hours, choosing a disc with a game, now the user does not even need to leave the house -
October 23, 2017 6
Добавление переходов в Sony Vegas

Adding transitions in Sony Vegas

During the editing process for beautiful and frame changing plans, the user adds various transitions, which as a result significantly transform the video. The stock set of transitions in the Sony Vegas program may not be enough, so the user may need to download new options.
October 21, 2017 4
5 программ для преобразования голоса в Skype

5 programs to convert voice to Skype

Skype is a popular communication program with which you can have fun, for example, completely modifying your voice using special programs. The article below will discuss which programs are capable of changing a person’s voice in Skype.
October 16, 2017 4
Как в Microsoft Word выставить формат А3

How to set A3 format in Microsoft Word

As a standard, users print documents in A4 format, which corresponds to a regular sheet of paper. In the event that the size of the printed document is needed higher, users must make the appropriate settings in the office program. Today we will look at how in the popular office editor
October 11, 2017 4
3 эффективных средства для блокировки рекламы в браузере

3 effective tools for blocking ads in the browser

Advertising is an unpleasant phenomenon that browser users constantly encounter while surfing the web. Fortunately, there are a lot of tools that can make web surfing much more comfortable thanks to the ability to block ads on the Internet.
October 07, 2017 6
Как разогнать видеокарту NVIDIA Geforce GTX 650

How to overclock an NVIDIA Geforce GTX 650 video card

Did you know that your video card is capable of more? Almost any video card can be overclocked, allowing you to significantly increase its performance. We'll tell you more about how a video card is overclocked using the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 as an example.
October 04, 2017 2
Как сделать буклет на компьютере при помощи Microsoft Word

How to make a booklet on your computer using Microsoft Word

Today there are many different ways to convey advertising information to the target audience, and one of the most popular types is the distribution of booklets. Having Microsoft Word on your computer, you will have the opportunity to make your own version
October 02, 2017 4
Программы для скачивания видео с любых сайтов

Programs for downloading videos from any sites

Today, on the Internet, every user can find a lot of interesting videos and films with which they can pass the time with pleasure. If you want to watch videos on your computer not online, but without an Internet connection, you will definitely need
30th September, 2017 4
Программы для сканирования документов

Programs for scanning documents

Despite the fact that almost all scanner manufacturers provide their own software for scanning documents, users prefer to resort to third-party software, and there are reasons for this: high functionality, less load on the system,
28th September, 2017 5
Программы и сервисы для создания артов из фотографий

Programs and services for creating art from photographs

Computers are rapidly developing devices that can help with work in completely different areas. For example, with the help of a computer you can transform any photograph, literally turning it into art in a matter of seconds.
27th September, 2017 3
Как добавить диаграмму в Microsoft Word

How to Add a Chart in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a popular tool for creating text documents, which is actively used both for home use and among corporate users. In particular, in addition to text, Word often requires inserting other information, such as diagrams.
26th September, 2017 2
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