xapofx1_5.dll скачать

xapofx1_5.dll download

Xapofx1_5.dll is one of the DLL type files. There are two versions of this file. The first was developed by Microsoft for DirectX, and the second by Viva Media LLC for the Gray Matter program. In this article we will look at why errors occur when using xapofx1_5.dll for DirectX.
February 01, 2015 1
igo32.dll скачать для origin

igo32.dll download for origin

IGO32.dll is one of the types of DLL file, preferably for the Origin program. It was developed by Electronic Arts, and is associated with NFS The Run Limited Edition. DLL files themselves are small programs, similar in function to EXE files, and they enable a large number of
February 01, 2015 3
Установка обновлений и последующее завершение работы компьютера

Installing updates and then shutting down the computer

Modern computers are quite smart and complex technology. Most modern computers are equipped with the Windows operating system.
February 01, 2015 1
Куда деть старый компьютер?

Where should I put my old computer?

Today, many of us cannot imagine our lives without sophisticated electronic technology. In particular, almost every person today uses a computer.
February 01, 2015 1
Сильно шумит кулер (вентилятор) на ноутбуке

The cooler (fan) on the laptop is very noisy

If you are familiar with a situation in which a laptop suddenly began to make howling sounds from the cooler, then this article will be extremely useful to you. In any case, knowing what to do in cases where the cooler begins to make a lot of noise will not harm any user of PCs in general and laptops in particular.
February 01, 2015 1
Что означает ошибка 0x80070570 и как от нее избавиться?

What does error 0x80070570 mean and how to get rid of it?

Sometimes installing a new operating system (Windows 7 or 8) yourself can lead to error code 0x80070570. Accordingly, it notifies that further installation of the OS is impossible. What caused this error?
January 31, 2015 2
Как перевернуть экран на виндовс 8?

How to flip the screen on Windows 8?

Sometimes the user needs to flip the picture on the monitor. Typically, this need arises when using multiple monitors, and also if the monitor is mounted on a wall. By the way, today the vertical position of the monitor is becoming increasingly popular, so the picture on it should
January 31, 2015 3
Как удалить Yambler (Ямблер)?

How to remove Yambler?

Often, when we install programs, we don’t even pay attention to what the installation contains. At the same time, various free programs can install in addition something that we do not need at all...
January 31, 2015 1
Купил ноутбук без операционной системы

I bought a laptop without an operating system

People who need a computer almost everywhere prefer to use a laptop. After all, a laptop is a portable computer that is highly mobile and convenient. Also, laptops can work offline for a significant period of time.
January 31, 2015 1
Перегрев процессора - что делать?

CPU overheating - what to do?

Surely all people who use a computer know that a computer is a complex computing device capable of performing a wide variety of tasks. And almost all users know that a computer is not just a piece of hardware, but a device consisting of different connected
January 31, 2015 1
Как полностью удалить с компьютера криптопро?

How to completely remove cryptopro from your computer?

Crypto-PRO is a fairly secure program in terms of both operation and removal. It is not so easy to remove using standard methods.
January 30, 2015 1
Что делать, если залил ноутбук?

What to do if your laptop floods?

Often spilled coffee, tea, juice or other liquid on the laptop panel causes breakdowns. What should you do first if trouble has already happened?
January 29, 2015 1
Компьютер не выходит из спящего режима

The computer does not go into spy mode

Sometimes, to speed up the restoration of work. Users can use a very useful computer operating mode - “sleep”, in which the computer consumes a minimum of electricity and saves all operating data. However, this regime is sometimes unstable.
January 29, 2015 4
Настройка модема Ростелеком

Setting up a Rostelecom modem

Rostelecom is currently the leader among providers. Their latest promotion, in which the Internet is offered along with television channels, has attracted many users. Most cities in Russia have installed fiber optic cables, speeding up access to the Internet several times. All
January 28, 2015 1
Настраиваем ММS на МТС

Setting up MMS on MTS

MMS is a great way to send multimedia messages. With their help, you can share a photo, a melody and even a video. If you see an amazing thing, send an MMS to your friend, and he or she will definitely appreciate your taste.
January 28, 2015 1
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